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21 Jump Street Review

 21 Jump Street Review

Starring: Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Dave Franco
Director: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller
Year: 2012

With its sequel coming out this month, I thought it would be good to look back on the predecessor, 21 Jump Street. Basically this was one of, if not the, best comedy of its year. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are a buddy cop dual acting out in a high school, and that’s basically all you need to know going in. It’s technically based off an old 80s television show that starred Johnny Depp, and movies like the Green Hornet, it’s an afterthought. And it address that in the movie, proving in just three sentences you can prove everything wrong just by being self aware of your product. And not going to lie, this movie is really clever. And I mean beyond the funny jokes. It gave a nice take on when Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum were in high school, they lived in a completely different world. But now it’s a new decade, and that world has flipped itself upside down, and shock, single strapping it makes you look like a tool, and comic books and helping the environment is cool. Being apart of this decade’s youth, I found that really funny, and I’m sure it had an equal effect on people eight years older than me. Anyway, I mentioned before the jokes were good, but is it a laugh out loud movie? Plenty of funny movies don’t make me laugh out loud, but I can acknowledge the jokes are funny, and it is clever enough it doesn’t have to. This movie goes back and forth really. Sometimes I’ll be laughing my ass off, (and that’s watching it for the third time now) and others I’ll be thinking, “Yeah, that’s a really good joke! And an even better point!” And some people also called this an action movie, I don’t see it as much. Two or three action scenes don’t really qualify it for me. I mean you could count the bicycle chase at the beginning, but I don’t see how you could. But just saying the action was good, and again, in just a single run-on joke it parodied a lot of action movies. Now is there problems with this movie? Maybe if you’re the nose raised critique, maybe? But for me, not really, there is nothing that stands out as standoffish in any shape or form. It’s a simple dope movie that you’ll laugh and have a good time for, the end. Each of the characters were fun, and had their own thing going for them. All the actors did a good job, and it’s where I met James Franco’s brother in cinema! And I could guess who he was simply but his squinty eyed ass smile! Anyway, 21 Jump Street is a simple (if not very clever for simple) comedy that hits all sorts of good jokes and makes funny little scenarios, and mostly, just a lovable good time. I couldn’t see a person not liking this movie, and I haven’t met one who has. It’s really likeable. And I hope the sequel lives up to its predecessor. And remember, you have the right to... suck my dick! Teenage the fuck up!

21 Jump Street gets a 4/5

Spoilers: So yeah, Jonah Hill making out with a girl like seven years younger than him. I mean his character. Stamp of Christian disapproves on that one. Also God damn! What a cameo. I actually want to watch the series now. Netflix, make it happen. Anyway, my fav scene was probably the drug compilation. That was great. And who would have thought the drug dealer was the coach? Well, I didn’t see it at least. Anyway, I’m tired, I’m going to cut this review short. After all I’m one gay black kid getting punched in the face from a nervous breakdown.

21 Jump Street gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE
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