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Jeepers Creepers Review

 Jeepers Creepers Review
Starring: Justin Long, Gina Philips, Jonathan Breck
Director: Victor Salva
Year: 2001

My background with Jeepers Creepers was at a young age I watched a sequel to this movie. I thought it was cool, but I thought pretty much all movies were back then. I had forgotten the name even, and then as time grew on I watched this movie, and it all came back to me. This is my second time watching it, but now on Netflix. This time I really set myself up for a scary movie. I turned off the lights, turned the volume up high. Thus I found it a little creepy, but not scary. I jumped at least four times, but I’m not going to be looking over my shoulder in the dark anytime soon. The movie follows a brother and sister, one of which is played by Justin Long who I think is a great actor. They both are good actors, and they actually have a nice script (I thought it was better in the beginning rather than later when they’re being scared) Usually horror movies like this are cheesy and the actors can’t actually act. But these two can, and soon they seem to find a strange vehicle slamming into their car, and the license plate simply says: BEATINGU. Later that license plate will make more sense, especially if you look closely. They witness the man later dumping what appear to be bodies down a tube, and after dodging another episode with him investigate. This seems like the stupid teenagers in horror movie, but they are aware of the danger, have a big disagreement on going, and you excuse the stupidity of going. Soon things fall for the worse when the enemy is unraveled, and they find out they stumbled on something far worse than they appeared. At times it gets a little far-fetched  but it goes slowly enough, and doesn’t look ridiculous. The creeper is an excellent villain, I don’t care what you say, he was scarier than a lot of villains, and I haven’t seen one like him in awhile. The movie moves at a good pace, and is a good popcorn movie. Jeepers Creepers is actually really creative, and I can feel a lot of work was actually put in it. The movie evolves very nicely, and you see how a creepy guy in a car goes to a total shit storm and transforms into a scenario where your wondering at one point of anybody will survive. And I know I’m a lot of the time easily impressed with movies, but I haven’t heard one bad thing on this movie. I haven’t heard really any reviews, the only feedback I’ve gained is from people I know. And I have to say, this movie does some really good foreshadowing, and this is one of the most bone chilling endings I’ve seen. I remember the first time I heard that god damn song play and then as the camera kept going, I simply got goosebumps from it, and the first time I saw it, it really was bad ass. Either way I think any horror fan or movies that keep you on the edge of your seat should see this movie, it’s one you shouldn’t miss.

Jeepers Creepers gets a 4/5

Spoilers: Okay, I got to talk about that god damn ending in depth. The Creeper actually ate that dude’s eyes, and had them after the movie! The creeper is such a twisted villain! And he started out as a weird dude in a coat! And he can whistle! Whistling monsters, it’s creepy. Also, I laughed both times I saw the movie when the Creeper hops out the van after he got ran over, he just flops around all crookedly and hops along. Also what about when he got ran over! It pretty much stated he’s immortal, and so if you want to compare horror movie villains who fight to the death, the Creeper would beat a lot of them. Then again I’m not huge on classic horror movies so maybe I’m wrong. But with the driving scene I also have to point out something. It shows the creepers wing, and that was basically where it showed he was a monster. For a lot of viewers that was probably a huge turn off and was where it got ridiculous. I think of it as positive, but I bet some people didn’t think the same.

Jeepers Creepers gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

Jeepers Creepers gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE

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