The captain remembered my birthday! He really does care!
Yeah, probably one of the funniest parts of the series, and it’s on possibly the most serious episode in the entire franchise. Let’s go over how awesome these scenes were. First, Iroh went apeshit, attacking Ba Sing Se in a fury of destruction. Along side him is a cast of the cool old characters we’d seen so often in this series. Then team Toph and Sokka (and Suki, eh) and they go through these ships, attacking shit like badasses. Toph finally gets a cool fighting scene. After not getting an episode while everyone else did, she needs some, and I’ll gladly take it. And of course, Zuko confront Azula. And yeah, Azula is… fucking crazy. Yeah, some really comedic scenes, some nasty scenes where she’s really mean. And then her and Zuko agree to an Ag Ni Kai, and that fight is amazing. It’s beautiful, really. The colors are awesome. Also, Aang and Ozai. And it ends halfway, but trust me, it’s really cool. At one point Aang could reflect the lightning at Ozai, but he just reflects it away, that’s probably one of my favorite Aang moments, if not my favorite moment. And yeah, it’s really cut in half, but it’s fucking awesome. Balls to the wall action scene. The characters all felt relevant. Good God, it was awesome. And there’s only one more to go kiddies, and I have to say it’s going to be special for me.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 60 (Sozin's comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno) gets a 5/5