Episode 144 (A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!) Review
Again, I don’t know why the animal is important enough to be in the episode title. Anyway, this episode was pretty damn good I thought. Iruka and Mizuki’s fight heats up, and doesn’t’ really end, but you get to see their back-story. And at first I was very unimpressed. It was like every other flashback, with the music, the lighting, and the feel. Even the dialogue. Basically they were childhood friends, the end. But oh no, when it turned to Mizuki’s perspective, it turned out he always hated Iruka. And how they go about it is awesome. And I actually cared a little more about Naruto’s fight with the two big idiots. The hide and seek part to the part where he dizzies them, and finally where they get so pissed because Naruto made him step on the food. But just when they’re about to destroy him, backup shows up. And it’s my boy Shikamaru and his squad, Ino-Shika-Cho… can’t get behind that name. But yeah, it cuts off there, and I was moderately pleased. It was a good episode, and not with any “oh for a filler, although I would like so and so.” It was good, got the job done, and I’m happy.
Naruto Episode 144 (A New Squad! Two People and a Dog?!) gets a 3/5
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