Pretty dramatic title. In this episode the two teams confront each other, and it’s not quick for the bad guys to get the upper hand. They get them all out in the open, and the big dude gets them in a trap that puts them all in one big rock chamber. The Sound Four pack up and leave, and tell the big guy to hurry up with his killing them. So, the rest of the fucking episode is in this rock chamber… fuck. But it’s not as bad as it could have been. Shikamaru fakes like he’s betraying the group, and Choji is raising his chakra by stuffing his face, which was kind of forced. But Shikamaru makes a big plan, and eventually gets out with some smart thinking with his usual Shikamaru awesomeness. And all in all I don’t hate the episode, but the whole thing in this fucking rock is just eh. And for animation there’s hardly any color, and that’s hardly ever nice. Again could have been handled different, and making it just more entertaining and seem less slow could have helped, but by no means a bad episode. Just slow, but I know it’ll get better soon.
Naruto Episode 112 (Squad Mutiny: Everything Falls Apart!) gets a 6/10
Naruto Episode 112 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE