Pirates of the Caribbean: The curse of the Black Pearl Review
Starring: Jonny Deep, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley
Director:Gore Verbinski
Year: 2003
Okay, before just watching this now it had been awhile since I've seen it. I like the Pirates series, each one in fact, even though many don't like certain entries. But this is the one that everyone liked, and I can see why. This was original, and I realized watching now why it might be favorite in the series. Theme. The theme in this one is perfect, and there's something about the camera that makes that theme better than in the other films. I think the begging of this movie for like the first fifteen minutes was perfect. (for the most part) It made the theme so much better, and it felt like a realistic pirate movie, unlike the second half which takes a mythological turn. Another reason why I think this movie was the most highly praised was it has the least amount of problems, I actually barely found any cons for this movie at all. Another reason why I love this movie, and the whole series in fact, is the script and characters. The script in each movie I find great. The dialogue these people use is ninety-five percent of the time spot on, and will never run through the lines. The characters are also introduced in this movie, and since I love just about all of them, I can't really go in depth with each one. All you need to know is Jack Sparrow is up there for my favorite movie character, and the others make this a ten out ten character cast. And they also got good actors and actresses for the movie, which stopped many (not all) the lines from being cheesy, which would have ruined the movie. I think only after I review these movies will I know which is my favorite, but for now I will say it's probably this one. This one felt like the total package, and it in my mind has turned into a classic. I'm glad it became a series, I do like the sequels, but I miss the times when it didn't feel so forced. This was the great idea, the movie about Pirates that gets into a mythological undead side effect that turned out to work. It had all the ingredients for a great movie, and this is a very close ten for me. I just feel I won't watch it again and again, and that putting it in the Hall of Fame would simply be charity for starting the series, which feels wrong. Don't get me wrong, great movie, love it to death, I just can't give it that extra point. But I wish every movie would be a little more like this, use a great script and spend time even working on the little characters, and then and take chances with the story, without going to over the top to fast. The Curse of the Black Pearl simply had everyone do a good job, and started what is up there for my favorite movie series of all time, and every couple of years I know I'll pop this in, and I know I'll get a entertaining classic each time.
Pirates Of the Caribbean: the Curse Of the Black Pearl gets a 5/5
Spoilers: First off, I thought this movie's first half was the part that felt more classic, and the second part felt more like popcorn fun. Don't get me wrong, that's a good thing, if not a great thing. This is one of many movies I would like to make a commentary for far in the future, but I don't want to say that in every Spoiler Review, so let's cover basic ground. I like that the ships had meaning, and The Black Pearl seems like a home to the Pirates. I also liked pretty much everything Jack Sparrow did and said. I like characters that are a bit crazy, and like it even better when they talk as cleverly as Jack. Jack is never really on a side, and multiple times seems to just attack a character he was on good terms with just minutes ago, they even joked about this at one point in the movie, but that's just Jack. I also just like the concept of the cursed buried treasure, but I just wish that they had gave a little more detail on the past of the treasure, or maybe talked more about the illness the cursed crew had. If there was a movie series I would do a fan faction for, I think a prequel to this movie would be up there, as I think the references of when Jack was Captain of the Black Pearl was interesting.
Curse of the Black Pearl gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
Curse of the Black Pearl gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE
Curse of the Black Pearl gets THE LONG LASTING BADGE