Sunday, 2025-02-02, 5:12 AM
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Episode 10 Review (Jet)

Jet Episode 10 Review (Jet)

Sokka has some pretty bad instincts. Anyway, our group has one of those interesting discussions, and somehow they end up walking foot after rescuing Momo from a trap. And just when you think you’re avoiding the Fire Nation, you walk into their camp. That’s when they are saved by Jet and the Freedom Fighters. And I love Jet’s intro. He comes in straight bad ass. He’s flipping dudes, his guys are shooting arrows, and he even manages to hit on Katara while that’s going on. Not bad Jet. Not bad at all. And Jet overall is a cool dude. He can fly around, he has these real cool weapons, I forget what they’re called in real life. He’s a sly and conniving dude with a touch of pissed off dougebag. Think Zuko mixed with Sokka, but cool, and more sly. Not to mention he has a twig in his mouth and eyebrows are doing all sorts of weird zigzags. But soon Sokka’s instincts tell him Jet is not what he appears to be. While scouting he’s a total dick to this fire nation old man, but he’s a civilian. And then the later you see he’s really deceiving, and he’s trying to kill this fire nation city, despite it’s a Earthbending city just run by the Fire Nation. And throughout the episode they have Katara and Jet eyeing each other, and they’re poking at a relationship there. I remember seeing someone defending this as the best romance in the show, and that kind of upsets me. I don’t like when people force a relationship in a show with such a low romantic theme. And Jet basically lies to her the whole episodes, and basically acts the way he does to get her to do what he wants. He a persuasive nice guy that’s actually a dick. The part where Katara stands up and beats Jet up says way more about her character than some bullshit romance. And Aang still can’t stop the dam that will blow, killing thousands. Luckily, Sokka saves the day. He told the whole village to flee, and luckily the old man was his voucher, and thus everyone got out. The gang leaves, and it really seems like it’s Sokka’s episode. While Katara and Aang are too trusting, and don’t really know how to save the day besides using their powers and giving the occasional rising speech, Sokka can take it too action, not using action. He’s the grown up of the group. And he did a better job than anyone else on the team could in this situation. Overall this seems like one of those kind of meaningless episodes. But once the series is done, and you come back, it’s actually a lot better. I remember the first time I said just another episode. But now I really see how good it was. Sure not important, but then again, really fucking important. Sokka got his time to shine, Jet overall was a really dynamic character will a cool posse, and he‘s cool. He‘s really fucking intense for a character in a kids show. Fire Nation equals genocide. I take it back, good instincts Sokka.

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