Match Card:
CM Punk vs. the Shield {Winner: CM Punk}
Natalya vs. AJ (For Divas Championship) {Winner: AJ}
Big E. Langston vs. Damian Sandow (For IC Champion) {Winner: Big E. Langston}
Real Americans vs. Ryback and Axel vs. Big Show and Rey Mysterio vs. the Rhodes Brothers (For Tag Team Champions) {Winner: The Rhodes Brothers}
Brodus Clay vs. R-Truth {Winner: R-Truth}
Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz {Winner: Kofi Kingston}
The Wyatts vs. Daniel Bryan {Winner: The Wyatts}
Randy Orton vs. John Cena (For WWE Champion & World Heavyweight Champion) {Winner: Randy Orton}
WWE TLC 2013 gets a 4/5
Other Events:
Belt united
Tons of Funk possibly split
Well, this’ll be my first paper view since starting my reviews, and this one apparently "made history.” And I guess it did. First we started off the show with the Shield verses CM Punk in a handicap match. And it was good. Roman Reigns hit his eye, and I’m still not sure if that was real, but I thought he was out. Then he came out of nowhere and tried spearing Punk, but then speared Ambrose. If that’s the case, the Shield might go through some problems and possibly split. But with how well they’ve done for a team and that fact they made it work this long, I see no reason for them to break apart. Anyway, after that was a divas match. And both of them I like, and AJ and Natalya had a pretty good match that made them both look good. Not much else to say on that. I just hope AJ keeps the title for awhile. Like CM Punk type of awhile. After that the IC belt was fought, and since Big E just got it, it makes sense he didn’t lose. I do feel for Sandow, but it’s just not your time… even if you made a really good joke on the way into the ring. Then we had the big fatal four tag team, and I would like to thank whoever decided to make the tag team division good again. I mean when I started watching wrestling it was shit, now it’s come up pretty far. And whenever the Rhodes Brothers have a match for the title, it’s a dope match. And the crowd is likely to chant, "This is awesome,” like they did. I was on the edge of my seat, and seeing the Rhodes lift Big Show caught me off guard. Then Brodus Clay fought R-Truth. I thought I’d hate this match, but I liked it. I don’t hate these little matches, in fact I liked everyone involved. I just wish more had something to do with the rivalry. But this one did! Tons of Funk possibly broke up, it wasn’t time consuming, it was good. It did it’s job well. Then Kofi fought the Miz, and that’s where we come back to rivalries that don’t seem to be moving anywhere. At least Kofi finally won, but just saying, wasting paper view time, and easily the worst match of the night. When the crowd chants, "Boring,” make it interesting. Then the Wyatts fought Bryan, and it was probably my favorite match. Bray was doing his character so well, and when he walked across the ring and the crowd was like, "this is creepy!” I knew he was liking it. And it made them both look good! I mean Nobody expects Daniel Bryan to defeat all three of the Wyatts. And I wanted Bray to kick ass, and he did. He’s easily one of my favorite characters to emerge from WWE in awhile. As for the main event… I’m conflicted. Last person I thought would win was Orton. I thought somebody would return and take the titles before Orton would win. I don’t know where they’re going with this, but it was still a really good match. Kind of wish things went a little differently. As for overall, I don’t think this was a good TLC paper view. Great paper view, but there were no table matches. No Chairs matches. No ladder matches, and only one TLC match. Is this how un-extreme WWE has gotten? I mean Orton was being a team player going through tables and getting decked by staircases, but come on, what about the other matches? As for the other stuff, I really liked it. The only match I felt was a waste was one, and the only other problem was the main event, which could just be where they’re taking the story. But with the road to Wrestlemania beginning, they’d better kick it in gear. Anyway, really good, worthy of a light to decent four, I was pretty happy.