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Episode 12 Review (The Storm)

Giant wave Episode 12 Review (The Storm)

Ah, the back-story episode. This episode begins a little slow, and at first you’re a little unsure how it will work out. Sokka is getting a fishing job to make money, and Zuko is just being a dick to his crew. And then there is this big storm, and the crew and the others are in it. While it’s going on you learn Zuko and Aang’s back stories. And the way they are both told, it’s very well told. They are blending together, going back and forth, and it feels like a good guy vs. bad guy rivalry going into it but with back story. And they are both really interesting, and they both are regretful. Both made mistakes that aren’t necessarily their fault, but they both feel the ultimate backlash. Zuko’s scar’s back story is learned, and you see how Aang is frozen. Zuko spoke out of place, and Aang being the Avatar was made the outcast, and was going to be sent away. And the storm just feels like it’s just this pressure. And Zuko saves a crew member, despite earlier he pretty much said your safety is hardly on my importance list. But he makes it through the storm, and sees Aang on his way to save Sokka and the fisherman, and he says no, get the ship to safety, the Avatar isn’t important right now. And that shows he really does care about more than the Avatar, like Aang he really does have this sense of helping those who in trouble. And as Aang and Zuko share a glance, it really doesn’t feel they’re far different. They are classic enemies sure, but they almost don’t want to be pitted against each other, they could easily be friends under different circumstances. Anyway, the show wraps up after that. Fisherman is saved, and blah blah blah. I noticed there wasn’t a big dumb fun action scene in this one, so that was kind of a nice change of pace. But I love the part at the end where the storm clears up, and it really feels like that pressure I talked about earlier is lifted. The characters all feel more. Just so much more. That look the two characters give each other at the end means more than it did before, and the storm is the perfect name for it. It really shows the tension, and just for a moment it releases. It’s a nice little episode, and got the back story over. It’s not an episode that I’ll be like, "Oh that episode! The dark back story, and the depressing storm, good stuff!” But it was short and sweet, and although not actually shorter, it felt shorter, and in a good way. But it is important, and grows that much more, and that’s where it counts.

Zuko begs
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 12 (The Storm) gets a 3/5

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Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 12 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

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