Sunday, 2025-02-02, 1:36 AM
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Episode 44 Review (Sokka's Master)

Piandao demonstrates his skill Episode 44 (Sokka's Master) Review

Oh, how I love having to rewrite reviews! Anyway, since Katara had her episode, it looks like Sokka is next up to bat. And the episode starts out with all the gaang using their super cool bending powers to stop a fire from destroying a town, meanwhile Sokka did nothing. So he starts to feel like he's not doing anything. Well, he's not thinking he's worthless, just that he's not special or unique. So things happen, and he happens to find himself a student of a firenation sword master. And through a lot of cool scenes and philosophical student master lessons later, we have Sokka. And team is missing him, you really kind of get hammered why Sokka is important, which I wouldn't need, but the kids who only see violence, they needed to be reminded why Sokka is important. And I love student and teacher stories, they are almost always awesome. I also liked the teacher, you really could feel like he was a smart dude. And I liked his philosophies to being a teacher. He actually seemed to want an idiot before a cocky excellent sword fighter. And that part at the end with the Lotus Tile was a big hint to the future, and really important to the story. Overall Sokka's part was really good, I loved it. But then I have to get to Iroh's part. Oh God, if you didn't like Iroh before, you had to after this episode. He was just acting like an idiot to the guard, and for a split second you think he went stupid in that cell. But then he's doing push ups, training, you really see him becoming bad ass in person. And there's the scene where his pillow falls out, revealing he doesn't have a giant stomach, he's been getting turned into a pro wrestler. And on a scale of one to ten on the bad ass scale, it blows the radar. It's almost funny while it also is bad ass. Some dude scavenging for food and drooling is about to kick ass. Anyway, loved that part too. Overall I thought this was a great episode. Sokka's character developed, and Iroh as well. I enjoyed the episode, and thought it was really good.

Well-trained Iroh
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 44 (Sokka's Master) gets a 4/5

Piandao fights SokkaFat fights Sokka

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