HOLY SHIT! Well, as left off last time, Yoh’s spirit was devoured by Zeke. Yeah he’s literally waiting to digest his spirit. So Yoh’s basically dead, and it’s actually kind of scary now ‘cause I don’t know if he’ll survive. Anyway, Zeke take’s Yoh’s spirit, and we see as he’s inside unknowing of who he is, or what he’s doing there, and Zeke is pulling him into the abyss. But on the outside Anna and the others are fighting with Zeke. They fight blindly and with rage, and they fight the exact opposite of how they should. But Morty steps up, and he with Mosuke defeats the Shinigami that Zeke had taken control over. After this, the team realizes what they did wrong, and actually defeat the Shinigami. (Morty just kind of wounded them) But I like Morty, he’s one of my favorite guys, and I like he has purpose as well. If he wasn’t here, and hadn’t done that, then nothing would matter. Sidekick or not, there is a reason why he’s there, and even as the series progressed he has his duty. And then the team grabs Zeke, and Anna uses here ten-eighty beads to use the strength of over a thousand Asakura shaman, just as it worked a thousand years ago. But it seems Zeke is stronger, and he breaks the hold, and our episode ends there. I just don’t know what to think or say right now, all I know is this is going to be epicness upon epicness. I don’t know who’ll win, or who will die, all I know is somebody is likely to be Shaman King.
Shaman King Episode 62 (Rage and Furyoku) gets a 5/5
Shaman King Episode 62 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
Shaman King Episode 62 gets the "The Creativity badge"
Shaman King Episode 62 gets THE HALL OF FAME BADGE