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This Is It Review

  This Is It Review
Staring: Micheal Jackson, duh.
Director: Kenny Ortega
Year: 2009

Michael Jackson’s This Is It is all about Michael’s tour that he couldn’t make it to. The goal is to show you as best it can what the experience would have been like. I actually did see this movie in theaters, and at the time I didn’t really know what it was even really about. I thought it was a memorial like tribute to Michael Jackson’s life, rather than a showing of what the tour would have been like. Either way the result is positive, and It’s cool even though Michael passed away before the tour, we got to see what would have happened on the tour. I like Michael and his music, but I would say I respect him more than I am a fan. I don’t have his music on my ipod or anything, but I would still gladly listen to his music, as well watch a movie about him. And because I find Michael much more likeable than many other celebrities, I would much rather watch a movie like This Is It over Justin Bieber’s Never Say Never. But you don’t have to be a raging Michael Jackson fan to enjoy and respect This Is It. The movie doesn’t place Michael on this immortal pedestal that says he’s the best, but merely has other people’s opinions which generally are saying he’s the amazing. And seeing so many people so passionate about just music and dance is inspiring. But the movie is basically just a bunch of special features put into a movie, so it’s not super entertaining. The footage was suppose to mostly go into a vault somewhere and had no intention of going into a movie, so seeing it feels like your watching footage that wasn’t really suppose to hit the big screen. Maybe as a movie it isn’t considered entertaining, but the point isn’t to entertain you like a movie, it’s to give some form of closure to the tour that was never realized due to Michael’s death. In that form I almost don’t want to look at it as a movie where I would judge under normal circumstances cause it feels like a totally different experience. For that it’s good, and even though it’s not entertaining it is emotional. It’s gives you a weird sad and yet hopeful feeling that Michael is simply the host of. Even though it’s Michael’s Jackson’s movie and it’s his name in lights you see all the people around making it possible and realizing their own dreams and parts by just being in the experience, and in the end that gives more emotion than average movie entertainment. You can respect the other people around Michael getting their moments, and even though It’s Michael who’s center stage you can appreciate everyone’s work. Anyway the movie takes you into the experience and you feel like your right there behind the scenes, and seeing all the tools and costumes and effort into simple things like clothes and dancing makes you feel like your seeing the whole show down to the last detail. Anyway in the end this is a difficult movie to review. I can look under the light of movie where I have to think of on a bigger picture where it falls under a 4 or 5, or I can look at it as it’s own form of media and seeing a totally non movie related product where it’s seeing footage I’m not really suppose to where it would get a 8 or 9. In the end I’ll find the middle ground and turn part of my movie review brain off and look at it as what it is. In the end it is definitely entertaining and a movie everyone who ordered tickets to the tour or simply a fan of Michael should watch. And even if you hate Michael it is interesting and will hold your interest. I don’t think I could watch it again and again, but I definitely could watch it when I’m in the mood every couple of years then pull it off my shelf and see the footage again. I feel this movie was as interesting as it was necessary. It makes Michael look even more creative, talented, and dedicated than he already is without mentioning any controversy over his death, controversy while the tour was going on, and any past controversy. The movie is titled this is it, and that it was never realized, so it’s good to see as best can show adaptation of what it was suppose to be.
This Is It gets a 3/5
Spoilers: It’s a bunch of footage on tour production… not much else to spoil.

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