Sunday, 2025-02-02, 0:21 AM
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Episode 34 Review (Akamaru Trembles: Gaara’s Cruel Strength!)

 Episode 34 Review (Akamaru Trembles: Gaara’s Cruel Strength!)

And Naruto awakens! The world is crazy, the tongue lady is gone, Sakura defends Lee, Sakura’s hair is short, and there are to many enemy ninja all around them! Anyway Lee and Naruto awaken, and it somewhat feels like a cool falling action to the little conflict we finally jumped over. Our cast just communicating like people after all their development is really cool as well, even though on the back of my mind I just wanted someone to scream battle royal and somebody to just bust out with all the scrolls. After that team Hinata watches a fight between Gaara and some random people that have no purpose other than to get beat up. Let’s get it straight, here until the rest of the episode is to hype and boost Gaara. Not his team, not his teacher, just him. He basically fights and kills the other three Genin. (It’s actually really dark. He literally makes their blood rain, and they just wanted to get away after he killed the first guy) Sorry, but after Sasuke and then Gaara, this is not a kid show, just like DBZ I don’t think is a kid show. They’re things that adults and kids can enjoy, but there are moments that the youngest of kids shouldn’t watch, Gaara putting a dude’s body through the blender is one of them. After that we see a tape of the proctor noticing Gaara and his tame actually accomplished the goal in about an hour and a half, no scratches, something a Chunin couldn’t even do. Like I said, all boosting Gaara. In the end the beginning of this episode was my favorite part, and it also really helped Gaara’s character, who is a pretty screwed up dude. It’s interesting, and in the end a good episode. It doesn’t feel slow, and good for character development. Usually just slaughtering people and proving how powerful you are doesn’t really do much for me, instead it’s the character’s attitude growing that I think helps them, but this is an exception. If  I was Kiba and Gaara had spotted me here’s what I do. 1, shit pants, 2, pray, 3, drop scroll, 4, throw Akamaru at Garra and ditch. Anyway this episode again just really helped Gaara, did with a creepy and dark way of doing it, but yeah, that twelve year old would scare the shit out of me in real life.

Naruto Episode 34 (Akamaru Trembles: Gaara’s Cruel Strength!) gets a 7/10
Naruto Episode 34 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

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