Saturday, 2025-02-01, 10:15 PM
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Episode 5 Review (The King of Omashu)

 Episode 5 Review (The King of Omashu)

My cabbages! Every time. Nyway, episode five is another one of those possible filler episodes, but they’re not filler at the same time. The Aang gang (and yes I’m calling them that too) wind up in a earth bending city, and go on a little fun while there, shooting down a mail system, and nearly die. For vandalizing property, and destroying some perfectly good cabbages, they are taken to the king to decide what to do with them. And the king is well… awesome. But he’s crazy too, which helps too. I mean these lines say it all.

King: "Where are you from?”
Aang: "Me? Oh, I’m from, um… Kangaroo Island.”
King: "Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really hopping!…”

Yeah. Just yeah. Anyway, rather than killing them, the king throws them a feast, then looks them up in a very nice and refurbished prison cell that was once bad. He makes Aang do three challenges, and if he fails Katara and Sokka die. In the last challenge he fights the King, who happens to be very strong despite being over a hundred years old. Aang kind of wins after a very epic battle, and the King gives him his final challenge. He asks him his name. And that’s when Aang realizes it’s his old friend Bumi, a earthbender who was a childhood friend of Aang, and even though a hundred years are passed, they still end the day as friends. I thought the episode was actually was really good, and it introduced Bumi, one of the best guys on this show, and my second favorite earthbender. He is important to the series, and this really does entertain me, even though I don’t think as much as the other ones before it. It feels a little more like filler, and doesn’t really feel important, and it kind of feels like they made episodes like this so any little kid watching Nick would understand it and enjoy it. It’s still really good, and just between a seven and an eight. I’m giving it a seven, but it’s really not that far off from the other episodes.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 5 (The King of Omashu) gets a 4/5

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