The main focus of this episode is creepy, and funny… only shows like Avatar can pull that off. The team arrives in Ba Sing Se, and they quickly discover Appa is in this Attack on Titan like giant city that they very well could never find him in. Then everyone is acting strangely. It kind of reminds me of the short book called Anthem by Ayn Rand. Everyone is super happy, it’s shady, people seem to be putting up with this bullshit vague shroud over everything. They get into this party to tell the king about the info they know, and that’s really hard to do. They get pulled aside, and this other guy that actually does run this city in the way you run the city basically tells them what’s up. He handles them basically as Toph would put it. He’s like don’t mention the war, don’t talk to the king, find Appa, then get the fuck out. Meanwhile Jet is stalking Iroh and Zuko trying to get proof they’re firebenders. Then he fights them, trying to force them into firebending, but they don’t, and Jet is taken by some guards where he is soon brainwashed. Yeah, creepy shit happens, and it ends on such a damn good chill. And it was really funny. They must have really been in the comedic mood when writing this episode, because they really got some laughs. And the really good line with bear that isn’t combined with another animal, that was genius. I also like how Toph is so comfortable in the cast now, and she still is being interesting. Also I remember just thinking "Where the fuck are they going to find Appa in here,” when I first watched it. It got better in time, and I was going for an eight for awhile, but man that ending. "There no war inside the walls of Ba Singe Se.” Jesus, that was creepy. And I love this stuff. V for Vendetta style, except without the bad ass going around blowing up buildings. I really thought it was good.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 34 (City of Walls and Secrets) gets a 5/5
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 34 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 34 gets the "The Creativity badge"
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 34 gets THE LONG LASTING BADGE
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 34 gets THE HALL OF FAME BADGE