In the sixth episode of Avatar we have the Sokka squad meeting an earthbender, and he is from a village ruled by the firebenders, and any and all earthbenders are taken prisoner. The boy after saving some dude’s live using his bending, is thrown in jail (the guy whose life he saved betrayed him, really douche move) And so Katara feels she owes him something, and then purposely gets caught doing some fake bending to get thrown in jail. Once in jail she sees the people don’t actually care about escaping, they care about surviving. After a very good speech Katara is still unable to encourage anyone to fight. Then she is able to leave, but decides to stay. She makes a plan to snatch lots of coal on the ship for the earthbenders to bend with, and it works, and the earthbenders take the ship. It actually went to one of the shows first adult themes of having a hopelessness, and having to live in fear, and how to overcome it. There’s a little random part at the end how Katara loses her necklace, and Zuko randomly finds it, but I guess I can excuse it. (Although it was pretty forced) In the end it was another solid episode, but I might have mentioned how book 1 was my least favorite. Not that it’s bad, it’s just that a lot of the great characters aren’t introduced yet, and the trio of Team Avatar although good, just isn’t really all that grand. This episode is still good though, still entertaining, and showed the series isn’t just a kid show, it can take itself seriously and be kind of epic in the process.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 6 (Imprisoned) gets a 3/5