Saturday, 2025-02-01, 11:58 PM
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Ben Affleck is Batman "Creative Topic" #18

"Creative Topic” #18: Ben Affleck is Batman

Jesus, the internet right? A bunch of people die in Syria and all anyone cares about is Ben Affleck is Batman. Not that I’m helping, this creative topic isn’t about the people of Syria, but I will say, that’s a real tragedy. Not this tragedy people are getting from Ben Affleck playing Batman. I’ll give my reaction to the whole thing. Oh really, that seems kind of weird. That was it. I mean, I in a small way can get the hate. I mean, I remember the Mass Effect 3 ending, and I was pissed. But I didn’t sign petitions to get the ending fixed, I didn’t feel Bioware owed anything. I just felt the ending was bad, and they should have fixed it with DLC which they were kind of enough to sort of do. But I paid full price for Mass Effect 3, and was actually told the ending wouldn’t be what it was. This movie is hardly even announced, and nobody has paid shit for it! And people are freaking out! Who really cares? I’m going to say it, in reality, anyone with a chin can play Batman. I mean, why not just get Ben’s stunt double in there, and we’ll have one of Batman’s very well done voiceovers? Hell cover his chin, I don’t care! I actually think it would be bad ass if he had this really dark steel bat suit that covered his face, and had one of the many cool voices he’s had in the past. Then Ben just play Bruce Wayne, which he totally can! But this is a casting call, and people are literally crying over this shit. Who actually cares that much! If the movie sucks, it’ll suck, you have bigger things to worry about. I’ve had a lot of my favorite franchises turning into shitty movies, and although I hate them, I don’t actually get upset about it, I’m just disappointed. And at least I paid for those damn shitty movies! Yeah, I paid to see one of my favorite characters, Goku, being played by Justin Chatwin. Yeah, you don't see me crying about that shit. Or that they ruined characters from the Percy Jackson books, or from Avatar: the Last Airbender. The shitty movies came out, and they were shit, and live moved on for everybody. Same with the shitty Batman movies in the past. Hell if Christopher Nolan hadn't made the Dark Knight movies, or this superhero hollywood fase wasn't in affect, not nearly as many people would care. And not everyone has bashed this, a lot of people are reasonable. But why were people freaking out about this? It’s kind of funny, I like the jokes I’ve heard. But people actually taking this as something that’s anything more than a weird casting call? I don’t get it. I mean Batman is probably in my top ten to twenty characters of all time (and I haven’t even read the comics) But I don’t get blinded by fanboyism. Especially blind hate fanboyism. Especially especially if it’s blind fanboyism to something I haven’t even paid money for, and is only in the small process of being made. And another thing, shouldn't the character make the actor, and not the other way around. Batman with a good enough script can be played by Ben, it would easily work. Sorry internet, the actors you wanted to play dress up for you and pretend to be a superhero won't. Now let's move on with our lives.

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