Sunday, 2025-02-02, 7:25 AM
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Episode 49 Review (Nightmares and Daydreams)

 Episode 49 (Nightmares and Daydreams) Review

Nightmares and Daydreams, a.k.a. the stress episode. So for a quick synopsis, there is four days before the Invasion, and Aang basically is having a panic attack. A funny one, but a panic attack nonetheless. And basically most of the episode is Aang dealing with this. And the first time I watched this I did feel that panic, I was like "Get your shit together man!” I wanted him to do some crazy Dragonball Z training where he learns firebending or something in a minute. But no seeing again… this feels like a really big throw away episode. I lost all feeling of panic now that I know how it ends. And in season two they really got good at doing episode although not really important, were still really bad ass. Now it’s more like strong threes, or light fours. Those don’t beat fives. But anyway, the good. There was some good comedy in this one. Especially when Aang was hallucinating, and Momo and Appa started talking. Like, they did this great thing with the camera where it went to everyone in the group, then it went to Appa like it was completely normal. And that big crazy thing that looked like something straight out of Welcome to the NHK, loved it. Especially the fighting in the background. And maybe I’m making these anime comparisons because there were parts parodying anime a little bit, and they were funny. And then there was the big kiss scene with Katara that snuck out of nowhere. And I think everyone that first watched had to be like, "Oh, shit! This is it!… what are they doing? Why are they acting so weird!?” Then it turns out it was a joke, and it’s a really funny scene. "Baby, you’re my forever girl!” Anyway, the episode just kind of ends, and it’s good. I mean, just this world and characters almost demand a good episode, even when they’re just not doing good. I feel like the writers or some other people on set were just putting some of their anxiety of making the final season into this episode. Also there was some stuff with Zuko, but it was kind of the same. We get it, he’s not liking his place, despite how good it should be. But more Mai and Azula, they had good scenes. I don’t think Azula has had an all right scene, even her filler scenes she steals. Anyway, good episode, nothing great. Maybe at first, but the second time I watched it I wasn’t feeling it.

Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 49 (Nightmares and Daydreams) gets a 3/5

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