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Episode 47 Review (The Runaway)

Toph captured Episode 47 (The Runaway) Review

So, they do a Toph and Katara episode. And as much as I would love a Toph episode, I think this worked. Because this gave more for Katara’s character than her entire episode where she wanted to play superhero, and also we just get more Toph, and we know more about her, which is always nice. The episode begins, and you believe Toph gets captured, and that Katara sold her out. But then it goes into this thing where Katara and Toph are fighting because Katara is acting like the mom of the group, and Toph who is the rebel against that kind of stuff is just not having it. So she and the others start doing these scams almost just for the sake of going against Katara. And she uses her blindness basically to scam people alongside her bending. And it’s a little out of character for Aang because Toph and Sokka I can see doing this, but Aang? I mean this episode definitely was a funny one, but just throwing away this one scene where he made a promise and then the joke was, "oh he immediately broke it.” I mean Sokka doing that would have worked much better. Anyway, they do these scams, that makes more problems, and they are in a fight. Then there is a really deep moment between Sokka and Toph, and Katara is right under them in this clever scenery of two really beautiful areas right next to each other. It was almost set up so perfectly it was like a movie or something. And Sokka says that he can’t remember what his mom looks like, he can only put Katara’s face with that idea of mom. And even for this show that’s a harsh subject. And it was still really good, they really nailed that scene. And so Katara basically feels bad sort of, and she wants to be fun. (Kind of like a mom) And so she thinks of this scam, and then the scene from the opening makes sense. And I really liked that opening idea. You know things like that, Tales of Ba Sing Se, they just make the episodes so unique with different storytelling, and not just following a dull pattern. Anyway, Toph gets into prison, and it’s made of wood, not metal, so she can’t escape. And too bad for Katara, Sparky Sparky Boom Man set them up. So then Katara is in prison to bait Aang. But Katara cleverly gets out by using her seat as waterbending… yeah. Clever I guess. But that was such a mom thing to do. I don’t know why but my mom I can see doing things like that. Slightly embarrassing things that require a lot of hard work but get the job done, yeah a mom thing to do. Anyway, they get out, they meet with Aang and Sokka, and they manage to beat Sparky Sparky Boom Man sort of. Then they get away, call it a day, pretty simple. I really like this episode, but I don’t think I would call it great. But I appreciate episodes like this, especially following the last episode. An episode like this helps the characters, it’s fun, and it’s really likeable. But it just felt kind of throw away at the same time. But as awesome a Toph episode would be, I almost like this better because again, I appreciate it. Also, the blind jokes, they always work!

Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 47 (The Runaway) gets a 5/5

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