Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Review
Genre: Platformer
Developer: Naughty Dog
System I played on: Playstation 2
Year: 2001
Allow me to cover my history with this game before I continue. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think this was my first PS2 game. Back in the day, my brother and I got a new PS2, and this game came with it. I remember getting to the second stage, but not much after that. After becoming a collector this was the second game I bought, but it was a loose copy. After beating it I sold it cause I wanted a real copy, and last summer I bought it at a garage sale for a dollar. I replayed it, and finished it just now. Now I think I’m ready to review it. Jak and Dexter was one of the funniest games I remembered as a child, and it’s characters and scenery were charming even now, even if not as much as when I was a child. Every part of the first area is lodged into my brain, as I remember it so well as a child. (I restarted games more often than I finished them back then) When I went back to play it again the first time, I found the new environments like the lost levels I never played as a kid. They moved just as smoothly as the others, and I liked all the new plat forming sections I hadn’t known about as a kid. The game was shorter than I expected, but that’s fine because I felt it was full fledged out. Collecting the hundred power cells and the precursor orbs was my favorite part of the game, and even though I’ve never collected all the power cells (I will one day probably years and years from now) I find the power cell collecting amazingly fun, and it probably is one of my favorite if not my favorite in game collection. And although I’ve never played another game in the series besides Jak II (I was about a third of the way through I think before quitting) I think it’s safe to say this would be my favorite. If the other games don’t have a various and colorful scenery or the fun of collecting power cells, I doubt I’ll like them as I did with Jak II which I’ll try to finish one day. But I have to say The Precursor Legacy is one of the smoothest moving games I’ve ever played. Going from level to level feels so easy, and actually tackling the objectives you want to is easy, and even if you get stuck on a hard plat forming section, it is worth the pay off, and the pain is swift what with the no load times. Having no load times also made it so smooth, and made the world just feel complete as a whole. If this did have load times, I just feel like it wouldn’t be as great, and I’m happy that this game took the liberty to give what its world, as well as a few not-so-lucky game worlds deserve. (the fable games!) Another great addition to this game world I got to learn and experience was the eco, and the sages. I had barely known about either of these as a kid, and I feel now that I know about it, the world is much more dynamic, and even though the sages were only in like two scenes, they also played a big part made the game have a new aspect with the eco and these old crazy guys and guide different eco. All I know is this is a great game, and I feel a little guilty only giving it an eight, but that’s what I know it is. It doesn’t really have problems, but it isn’t an elite because I feel it just isn’t super fun all the time, and I wish the story had been a little longer and dynamic, but I’m not complaining. It has great game play, great characters, great bosses, great levels, great plat forming sections, great everything. I love this game, and have a lot of childhood memories playing it, and would say it’s a wonderful edition to my collection.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy gets a 4/5
Spoilers: Okay, first off Gol and Maia I thought could have been better. I remember seeing them as a child, and they were creepy as hell. When I got the game again I kind of expected them to be a little more interesting where I left off, but not that big a problem. A simple good vs. evil is always a good way to go. I do wonder if the black eco killed them though, but I guess I’ll have to play the series to find out. Also the big ass door with the hundred slots, that’s a bad ass idea, and I’m glad they put it in the game. I actually have already seen the scene where it opens, but I still want to get all the power cells one day anyway. I don’t know if it affects the story a lot, but it should be really interesting.
Jak and Daxter gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
Jak and Daxter gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE