Remember when I said the last two episodes were doing episodes for each character? Guess who’s time it is now? Trey’s up to bat, and just saying he doesn’t get a good as episode as Rio or Len. In fact, when it doesn’t live up to them, it almost makes me want to like him a little less. I like him, but him and Joco are definitely in the back of my mind when it comes to favorite ones in the group. I like Morty more, so that says something. Anyway, there is a random cult going around Dobie village. They believe to death in this prophecy that a blue haired warrior will lose, and evil will spread over the Earth. And I guess they’re going to bring that evil, they don’t seem to really care either way. Trey’s sister even comes back, and that was a good thing, I liked that. But the guys fight, Trey wins, they shake hands after it, problem averted. Again, Len taking on his cousins and even Rio trying to find a girl is better than some fill in the blank cult fight. I still like the episode, the episode is cool. Just lacking there of.
Shaman King Episode 48 (The Prophecy) gets a 3/5
Shaman King Episode 48 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE