DragonBall Z: Cooler's Revenge Review
(Movie 5)
Director: Mitsuo Hashimoto
Year: 1991
For my first anime movie review I feel it would be good to review one of, if not, my favorite Dragon Ball Z movie. Anyone who knows me enough will know I’m a DBZ fan. One of the many VCRs that helped turned me into such a movie fan was in fact, Cooler’s Revenge. The movie starts in a flashback, showing a famous scene of Frieza blowing Planet Vegeta to shit. I’m reviewing what’s on the VHS tape, so at this point American rock music is playing. I know a lot of hardcore anime lovers will totally gasp at this, but I actually prefer the American music. (I know a lot of anime fans prefer the original Japanese audio, but for the movie I prefer the American, it‘s just my preference) But an unknown factor you learn in the Cooler’s movie is Cooler is courtside to the planet’s demise, and could have easily killed Goku on his way to Earth. This is one of the many reason why I love Cooler, and think he is one of the best villains not only of the movie series, but the entire DBZ universe. This is how Cooler thinks. You would think because Goku killed Freeza, and the movie is titled "Cooler’s Revenge,” that he would want to react Revenge on his brother’s killer for killing his brother. Oh no, not Cooler. Cooler states immediately his dislike for Frieza, and how he wanted to be the one to kill him one day. But even though he hates Frieza, he thinks it as this: That dude shit on my family, so he’s going to die. I may have hated him, and wanted to kill him, but he was still a part of my family. That is just so dynamic to me. I just want to point out a quick thing before I delve into the movie is you got to understand what I feel about the DBZ movies. The movies aren’t very long, and there are many of them. When I hear a review of them, they base it on its story and other factors similar. Since I wouldn’t judge these movies like a normal movie, as they are exclusively good to the fans of show, and obviously would have a rating system differencing from normal movies. The anime movies based off shows don’t necessarily need some engrossing story, or even a major world threatening problem. The idea is your seeing your characters come on for a good special, and just watch the ride. Of course a level of story is needed, and new characters are necessary. But just don’t expect to get a whole DBZ season out of it. If a movie is simple as "introduce new bad guy, then give bad guy cool back story, then from there let the movie roll,” then be fine with it! But for DBZ movies, this is one my personal favorites. Everyone was on top game, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, all new characters, some small ones like Korin and Yajirobe, and yes, even Krillin. (GASPS) I’m not a big animation Nazi, so don’t come here expecting my opinion on how well things were drawn and/or animated. I don’t watch anime cause of the drawings, I do it for much better story, fighting, characters, and styles that I can’t get from other shows. Speaking of the fighting, the few fight scenes from Cooler’s Revenge are really good. The Cooler fight would probably make my top ten, even if it was a lot like Frieza’s. The other fight scenes do the job, but they also make piccolo look like a bad ass, so I can’t count them as average. My favorite part in the movie is when a dying bird lands next to Goku. All I know is from that second on, the movie is perfect for me in quality. That ending is worth a movie for me by itself. To end the review, I just have to say how awesome Cooler is again. THIS IS THE KIND OF GUY WHO CAN SIMPLY BLOW YOUR PLANET TO SHIT AT ANY MOMENT, BUT WON’T, SIMPLY BECAUSE HE WANTS TO WATCH YOU DIE! BAD ASS!
DragonBall Z: Cooler’s Revenge gets a 9/10
SPOILERS: In Cooler’s Revenge, there was many moments that I just really loved. When Piccolo came out of nowhere, then fought Cooler’s armored squad, that’s one of my favorite moments. Also, I liked how Goku at first lost to Cooler in one hit (He hadn’t raised his power level up to Cooler’s, so he was about as strong as the armored squad when he got hit) It added a little story, it added to Cooler’s character, and in the end just helped. Also, another of my favorite moments was when Cooler came out of nowhere and just fuckin’ blasted Piccolo with the death beam. He literally almost killed a main character in one hit! Freiza may have done it first, but FUCK IT, COOLER DID IT BETTER. And from the moment Goku resurrected the bird to the end, I thought was perfect. It made Cooler look good, Goku look good, had a great ending, and had that little after ending with Piccolo. In the end Cooler got cocky, and he fucking died, even though you expected him not to. I like it when villains are just proved wrong, and find the error of something they did while they die. He might not have learned his lesson, but he did die in regret, which villains should do from time to time.
DBZ: Cooler's Revenge gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
DBZ: Cooler's Revenge gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE
DBZ: Cooler's Revenge gets THE LONG LASTING BADGE
DBZ: Cooler's Revenge gets THE HALL OF FAME BADGE