So this episode is the painted lady, and probably the most worthy of calling filler out of the whole season. But this is Avatar, filler does not exist here. It can be wrapped up pretty shortly. Everybody stops at a village and it’s really polluted, the fire nation is using it for a shit hole, and it’s a really crappy town. So Katara dresses up and saves the day at night by becoming "the painted lady.” And yeah, it works as an episode. The village learns something, as does Katara. And at the end of the episode we see the real painted lady, and that was a good reflection. And yeah, Katara gets her own episode around the end of the series, I think little things like this, they can make all the difference for the character. Sokka’s however I liked more. And I really wanted Toph to have one like this… anyway! I do like the town, it does feel real. I can see this town, and can even see it in this universe. It fits, and it makes the fire nation more diverse. And there was this guy who kept jumping around the village with different names, and you’ll have to see it to really get the joke and know I’m talking about. But he’s all right, and it gave the village more depth, so I’m all for him. Anyway, this is one of the worst episodes of the season, and I’m not trying to say that in a bad way because this season is so good, but this one although I think is great, is still has a lot of… eh. But still is a great episode, and I really enjoy it.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 43 (The Painted Lady) gets a 4/5