Episode 2 (Charlie Wants an Abortion) Review
Only two episodes in and we have tackled racisms and abortion. Only on it’s always sunny! Anyway, as I was saying, Charlie discovers he has a kid. And so he is forced to take care of him. Unable to get a blood test, he takes him to the mall where he sees the waitress, who is in a big sister little sister program. With some help with Dee he lies to her and says his kid is a little brother. But he also learns later it’s not his kid, but it doesn’t really matter either way at this point. But the kid while he’s bartending drinks all the leftover beer in people’s cups, and gets drunk. And the waitress sees the little drunk brother, and yeah, that’s where that ends. Besides the final scene where he goes up to his dad and they have this small banter and rather than a healthy lesson for the father, nobody really gets helped. And meanwhile while all this is going on, the other three are having an abortion argument. And Mac who is against them goes to this anti-abortion rally and bangs this crazy Christin chick. But when she says she’s pregnant he says she has to get an abortion… that was my favorite moment in the episode. That’s where that ended. Oh yeah, and Dennis got egged while in between two abortionist rallies on both sides of the fence. Classic. First you get banged by black guys and then egged by angry abortionists. Good clean comedy.
It’s Always Sunny Episode 2 (Charlie Wants an Abortion) gets a 3/5
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