Sunday, 2025-02-02, 2:09 AM
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Breaking Bad Episode 6 Review (A Crazy Handful of Nothin)

 Episode 6 Review (A Crazy Handful of Nothin)

And thus, Heisenberg was born. Yes, first off, I have to say I recently watched all the first half of season five of Breaking Bad, and just saying, it was awesome, but we have a long ways to go before that gets brought up for review. Anyway, this was an awesome episode. First, Jesse finds out about Walt’s cancer. Then he goes out into the wild and makes fat stacks. But Walt is not pleased with the results, and gives many reasons why. I mean here he is puking out a storm, and Jesse’s dong nothing! And yeah, the janitor was nice, then he got arrested. Sad face. And meanwhile, Jesse is going to sell his pound to Tuco, the new Crazy 8. Except, he’s more deserving of the nickname crazy. He beats the shit out of Jesse, and his friend just fucking watches, and he doesn’t even keep the meth, Tuco gets it. Anyway, after that Walt had some dinner with Hank, seeing Jesse in the hospital, and some other stuff, he grows the biggest balls the world has ever seen. He shaves his fucking head. He drives to Tuco’s with more meth, and then blows that shit up. And it wasn’t meth, it was a recipe for destruction. And yes, he walked out with the money, and the episode ends with him celebrating with his car. And yeah, message is violence is sometimes the answer, unless it comes back to bite him in the ass. Anyway, loved the shit out of this episode, it really was one of those ones where things got intense, and the story just flew out the window. Going back and forth between a eight and a nine, but this is a nine. Heisenberg’s birth doesn’t settle for an eight.

Breaking Bad Episode 6 (A Crazy Handful of Nothin) gets a 5/5

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