Sunday, 2025-02-02, 8:26 AM
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Saw Review

 Saw Review
Starring: Cary Elwis, 
Director: James Wan, Tobin Well, Leigh Whannell
Year: 2004

I want to play a game. Words from one of the most crazy and yet genius and yet just messed up horror villains. The original saw, and probably my favorite in the entire seven part (if not more, they’re bond to reboot it and make a cash grab eventually) But this was the one where everything was new and original, and the concept was a simple movie, and not a giant franchise. I would I liked the saw movies, and even though the rest of the movies weren’t terrible (with maybe one or two exceptions) none them could live up to the first one. I got why they kept the sequels going, people wanted more traps, twist endings, but in the end the core storyline got to scrambled and it was like somebody took a bunch of good tasting fruits into a blender, but the outcome wasn’t as it used to be, but still not bad. I say the saw franchise could have ended multiple places, and one of those best places to stop would have been after the original. This one I love because it’s like a game within your head while a movie plays, and it ends the best way it could. After just about each Saw movie your brain explodes, but it was best the first time, mostly because it was new, and we had no idea who Jigsaw was, and we were guessing every second. Then there’s the ending that played with the most bad ass song horror movie song ever, and left a worldwide audience with goosebumps that would last a lifetime. And it wasn’t about traps, or forced story, it was about the mental side of it all. It was two guys in a room, a bunch of riddles and vague explanations, and a ticking clock. It was like one of those games your stuck in a room and have to find a key so well hidden it’s mind numbing, but when you get it you know you just want to scream with joy. And Jigsaw is one of the best villains of all time in my opinion. Say what you will about the franchise, but you have to admit Jigsaw is awesome. Anyway I think the best thing about Saw that people like is the concept. People who don’t appreciate life enter games that have a million variables, and if they survive they become grateful. It’s kind of like a kid not like there food so you starve them then when they’re near death you give it back to them but with razors in it. Speaking of which, this is one of those really depressing and gory movies. I think people who can’t watch blood on the big screen and crap like that should obviously stay away from this franchise, but you owe it to yourself to at least sit down and watch the first one. It’s like two or three scenes you’ll close your eyes, then your done. Anyway is the movie depressing? Hell yeah, I’ve seen the movie a couple times, but usually I don’t grab horror movies to often anyway. But when I do like I did today, and my mind can be re-blown away, then it’s all good. Saw is a movie you want to go back and watch, and after you know everything you want to see all the variables come together. Somehow yes, you want to watch this movie with a spoiler filled mind. It just works. Not to mention another really awesome thing is the two guys in the room were made for each other. There’s this tension there where it’s like I don’t know if I should work with you or kill you, but either way let’s just roll with it by now. Anyway, are there problems? Yes, there’s a story arc with this black former cop that has a really choppy role. Also small little questions of how that could work. Literally it starts with a guy asleep underwater. How does that work? Also although there is a lot of time in the room, there’s a lot of time outside the room. At one point it was going from back-story to what’s going on with some other characters and then what’s going on with a villain. I actually just wanted to see what was going on with the room that I had already spent like half the movie in. Also one of the antagonists, Adam, had like a really winy personality and voice, and sometimes he wouldn’t just shut up. I know that’s part of what he needed to be, but seriously, sometimes he just needed to shut up. But me telling him to shut up did become ironic in the end. I think it’s a really good movie, and the franchise as a whole I like with, just have a lot of problems with it. But there’ll always be that one, the original. And yes, it was bad ass. I don’t think many people will forget the moment Jigsaw told them, "Game Over.”

Saw gets a 5/5

Spoilers: Okay, so in the beginning Adam could have avoided this entire thing by just getting that key? How the hell would that have worked? What would have happened? Could he seriously just walk out if he’d seen the little glowing thing? What exactly would he have learned? Also Adam needed a back-story, we barely knew why he was there, and they didn’t really give an example of how he was like that. And then there’s that little tape recorder Adam found. By then we thought mystery solved, killer dead, then your like "What the fuck!?” But of course the best moment was when we just saw Jigsaw rise in the back, and the music started. Adam’s face is priceless, and it represents at least a million people. Then I love how he just doesn’t give a shit, he just like "oh what’s up, by the way your key went down the drain the moment you woke up.” Then Adam tries to shoot him and he’s like "Oh, hell no!” Then he electrocutes him like it’s no big deal. Then he just walks out! He walks out alive and unsuspected after all that crap went on around him! And Jigsaw closing the door is probably my favorite horror movie moment ever. I know I still have a lot to watch, but I don’t think many moments will compete. Game over!




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