Ah, prisons. Always awesome in media, but terrible in real life. So yeah, this is part one in the prison episodes. Basically Sokka wants to know how his father and Suki are, and Zuko tells him they’re in the Boiling Rock, the biggest prison in the fire nation. (for some reason Haru, Iroh, and all the other prisoners weren’t in here… how convenient!) Anyway, after that Sokka tries to sneak out, but Zuko stopped him. Zuko goes along, and they take his ship. But when they land, things go from bad to worse. His ship gets ruined, then it turns out the dad isn’t there. But soon they find Suki, and they have to develop a way out. Sokka gets an idea of using these "coolers” that they use for prisoners. But at the last second they hear that there might be some fire nation prisoners coming along, some war prisoners. So Sokka decides to stay behind, and the others stay as well. But the other random prisoners get caught. Then the episode ends with Sokka finding out his dad did come to the prison. Anyway, I really loved this episode. It actually felt longer than most, and I love this prison. Especially Mai’s uncle, who is warden. He’s a bad ass to say the least. I also just loved how they were planning, and really adapting to this prison, which is a really big change of formula for Avatar. Anyway, loved the episode, hopefully part two will be as awesome.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 54 (The Boiling Rock, Part 1) gets a 4/5