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Right Thru Me Review

 Right Thru Me Review
Album: Pink Friday
Artist: Nicki Minaj
Year: 2010

Sound: 3/5

Lyrics: 3/5

Instrumental: 2/5
Idea: 2/5

Flow/Energy: 2/5

Music Video: 2/5

Other: 2/5

Right Thru Me (Oh come on, this is suppose to be an emotional song, you can’t even spell it right when you’re trying to be serious?) is one of those few songs Nicki puts on every album that has more depth, and suppose to be her crack at influential and meaning, which I like because to me that goes a long way. First, I’ll say the best part of this song. There is no bullshit forced lyrics, the lyrics aren’t annoying, they’re actual rhyming schemes, and there is a lack of the bubble gum pop or techno beat that I’m complained about in previous songs. And I think she used her real hair in the music video (then again I’ve been proved wrong before) so this song feels the most real, for what it’s worth. That being said, I don’t really consider this all that good of a song. One, this isn’t a good relationship song. It’s about a relationship where Nicki doesn’t feel respected or is being overlooked and not appreciated in a relationship. Yeah, and on paper, that sounds like a great song idea, and something I’m sure lots of little girls and women will relate with. But there is no resolution, no conflict, no real feeling behind this relationship. I’ll break down the music video to help convey what I mean. First, Nicki and a guy are in a fight. Apparently the dude wasn’t respecting her during a party. Then Nicki starts throwing glasses and shit around. He nonchalantly is like "O.K. Well I’m going to go. Then she’s like "DON’T WALK OUT!” and slams another glass just seconds before apologizing and almost completely forgiving the dude… all right. Then the music video continues with just random moments of the relationship. This guy in the video by the way, I think he’s like the third guy I’ve seen Nicki have sex with in her videos, and considering I haven’t even seen them all that isn’t that good. But the images and scenes don’t really represent anything, they’re just there, and they don’t tell a story except what I’ve already said. If anything it just feels like, "Oh bad relationship? Not getting respected? Well, don’t do shit, and it’ll probably get better. Your welcome.” And why does the camera seem to resolve to Nicki’s ass? Really, who’s idea was it put her in the shower, press her ass against the door, and film it for a relationship song? I don’t have a problem with seeing Nicki’s ass, but there is a mood and time for everything, and this just isn’t the song to do that. Let’s just go with poor execution. And in the end it just kind of feels like you’re stepping your toes into a shitty relationship and are gone as soon as you step in. And it doesn’t have much of any energy or emotion past "How could you do that shit?” being played over and over again. Oh, and what the fuck does this single cover have to do with this song?

Right Thru Me gets a 2/5

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