Sunday, 2025-02-02, 0:26 AM
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Episode 13 Review (Goz and Mez)

 Episode 13 Review (Goz and Mez)

Ah, these guys. This episode leaves right where the last one left off. Goku basically wound up in Hell, (Hell is pretty cheerful in DBZ) and he is stuck. He meets Goz and Mez who are actually kind of funny characters and he is continually trying to get to Snake Way, but Goz and Mez continue to try and trick him. It’s entertaining enough and not a bad episode by any means. It’s more query than most DBZ episodes, and at one part has some old DragonBall characters return for a minute. It goes away from Goku and the others to Tien climbing Korin Tower or Gohan occasionally. These episodes I for some reason can watch a couple times, and even though they aren’t the best episodes in the series they are the ones I feel make season one possibly the best. Goku was also really funny in this episode and I like whenever Goku is doing something where he doesn’t have to use his full strength and ends up surprising everyone by how powerful he is when he’s not even trying. Seeing such a cheerful Hell was also kind of weird and quirky, but I’m kind of glad I don’t have to wonder what would have happened if Goku fell off of Snake Way. But in the episode Goku acts so childish and playful it can’t help but make you chuckle a little. But then Goku finds out as he finds a way out of hell he has to start over on Snake Way, but luckily his strength was doubled. In the end the episode was nice and enjoyable but it wasn’t really great or enough to make me think it was really great. Still episodes like this make me look back on the first season and think it’s really good. Also I didn't know weather to make the colors for this review blue or red, but I think by having both is just fine.

Episode 13 (Goz and Mez) gets a 3/5

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