Sunday, 2025-02-02, 7:28 AM
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I Am Raw Review

 I Am Raw Review
Album: RAW
Artist: Hopsin
Year: 2010

Sound: 2/5

Lyrics: 3/5

Instrumental: 3/5

Idea: 2/5

Flow/Energy: 2/5

Music Video: (none)

Other: 2/5

I Am Wrong is song number seven in the RAW album, and unfortunately it’s on the lower side for me. Lyrically it is really good, and both Hopsin and Swizzz do a good job. My number one gripe is the sound. Songs that are usually more serious like this are better slow, and this is, which is good, but I just don’t think it sounds all that great, and might even be the worst sounding song on the album, although it isn’t completely terrible, but usually I’m not complaining about sound, but the opposite. So for once I’m almost happy that it’s different. But in short it’s hard to sit through, kind of boring, and even with a female voice for a hook, it still isn’t that great. The album is called raw, so I hope it’s not actually named that based on this song, because this isn’t one of the best. I do like it seems like the response of how Swizzz and Hopsin came around, and how they started Funk Volume. They’ve already covered this topic enough, and we know enough of what happened between Hopsin and Ruthless Records, so I don’t necessarily love hearing about it every other song. I’ll stick to Sag My Pants and other songs that I like how they sound if I suddenly forget what happened and wonder. Anyway,  I like how Swizzz is on the album. Swizzz isn’t in enough songs to annoy me,  and say that Hopsin should do more solo tracks, but when they’re together it really feels like Hopsin and Swizzz, and not anybody featuring anybody. For instance I think Swizzz is better in this song than Hopsin, and fit’s the song a little more. With Swizzz’s voice and style, he is a limited to a couple more songs types, but this is one of the ones it works, and it actually improves over Hopsin, or at least that’s what I think. But is the song good? Yes, I just can’t really listen to it all that much, and don’t go back to it all that much. Still a good song, really kind of a origin song on the album, and for those who just listen to it, it’s still good, just not fantastic.

I Am Raw gets a 2/5

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