Match Card:
Santino Marella vs. Damian Sandow {Winner: Damian Sandow}
The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston {Winner: The Miz}
The Rhodes Brothers, Rey Mysterio, & Big Show vs. The Real Americans, Curtis Axel, & Ryback {Winner: The Rhodes Brothers, Rey Mysterio, & Big Show}
Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio {Winner: Sin Cara}
Brodus Clay vs. Xavier Woods {Winner: Brodus Clay}
CM Punk vs. Dean Ambrose {Winner: CM Punk}
The Usos vs. Rowan and Harper {Winner: Rowan & Harper}
Tamina vs. Natalya {Winner: Natalya}
Raw 12/9/13 gets a 4/5
Other Events:
Slammy for LOL Moment of the year—The Rock for his song
Slammy for Double Cross of the year—Shawn Michaels for double-crossing Bryan
Slammy for Diva of the year—The Bella Twins
Slammy for Superstar of the year—Daniel Bryan
Slammy for Fan Participate Award—Daniel Bryan for "YES!” Chant
Slammy for Insult of the year—Stephanie McMahan
Slammy for Extreme Moment of the year—CM Punk for his revenge of Paul Heyman
Slammy for Match of the year—John Cena vs. the Rock
Bad ass ending ceremony
Yesterday, the Slammy Awards were on. I always liked when WWE did things like this. This gave some cool awards to people who don’t get to be champion, and it’s fun, I like awards. But sometimes the winners pissed me off. But this time, a lot of the awards were given by voters, so they couldn’t have gotten it wrong, right? Nope. I want to tell what I was pissed about first. The Bella Twins won diva of the year… are you fucking kidding me? Okay, the Bella Twins count as one diva? And they beat AJ? Combined they might barely beat Natalya, let alone AJ. Superstar of the year was hard, so I like Bryan, but just saying, a lot of people could have one that one. For Extreme Moment, just saying, I thought that Paul Heyman and CM Punk part was just boring. I remember years ago the nominees didn’t win for doing things three times more extreme than what Punk did. What Ryback was did was cool, and at least extreme. For insult of the year, again, AJ should of won. (That is a small award, but by the time that award came around I wanted AJ to just get something) But I liked most of the awards, and the skits were better than usual. It also didn’t feel rigged, which was nice. I love the slammies. I just like awards, and to see them like that is awesome. And even the ones not shown given on TV are a nice touch. Anyway, let’s get to the rest of the night. I’ll be honest, I didn’t see the first twenty minutes because I came home late, but I saw most everything after that. Miz and Kofi, I’m a little bored with. It just seems to be the Miz winning, and then something else happens, but no they’re just keeping that rivalry crawling along. The six man, another filler, but that’s okay. Also, I learned that was a fake Sin Cara, that was news to me. Either way, he’s bad ass. Del Rio might have just got replaced for his spot. Also Xavier Woods career ended, as he lost to Brodus Clay so easily. But I like Brodus and Tensai, so I want them to get more spotlight, when it’s available, and this might be a good place to start. Punk and Ambrose I wasn’t there for, but I got most of it, and it was cool. Usos and the Wyatts, another filler, same with the diva match. But the diva match was worth watching, I’ll give it that. AJ, Tamina, and Natalya, my three favorite were all there, so there’s that. After that was the ending ceremony and… oh my god. First, Orton was the best he’s been in awhile. He shit on half of the people in the ring, and he could have done more. Then Cena had one of his best promos probably this year. He did as good as he could have been. Then there was the end, and I have to say, I’m hyped for TLC now. That was just epic moment after epic moment. I haven’t got that excited in awhile. Anyway, for the whole night, it was really good. Most slammies I expect a five, but not this time. But they still managed some good skits and ending , just not interesting matches. (When was the last time I could say that) But I still really liked this Raw, especially for that ending.