THE LAST EPISODE REVIEW FROM SEASON ONE! Okay, after episode thirty-nine I’ll be taking a break from the DBZ reviews, I’ve been waiting for one since about episode sixteen. Personally, I think Season One should of just ended on episode thirty five, but I guess it doesn’t matter a whole lot. This episode is basically the first little event on the way to Namek. The gang is trying to pass some time. By the way I don’t know how the hell imagine training works, but it’s awesome! Bulma is being lazy and Krillen and Gohan are being their typical selves. Soon an oncoming ship approaches, but rather than collide their ship seemed to be sucked into the other one. For literally no reason Bulma is half naked this entire episode. Not even in a sexual way, she’s just half naked for no reason in front of her friend and a five year old. I remember just last episode Bulma telling Chi-Chi she’d have her eye on Gohan, but I don’t think his mom would approve of Bulma walking around in practically nothing. For the rest of the episode the guys aren’t really doing anything but finding and avoiding traps on the ship. It’s actually possibly the worst episode out of the whole awesome season, which I think is another reason to not include it in season one, bur rather season two. It even ends on a cliffhanger! It’s a part of a two part event finishing on episode 40. Really? This episode even fits into the tone and feelings I think of when I think of season two. I don’t know, this episode just really has no point and just wasted time for awhile. The next episode gets better, but for now it’s just an average episode. And with that I’ve reviewed a whole season of DBZ! I really thought this would take like a year, but I’m surprised by how much effort I put into it, and I hope these entertained any DBZ fans out there who’s seen the website. I already have made a list of my favorite Saiyan Saga moments, so check that out, and I’ll have a review of the whole season as a whole also coming soon. Season two reviews will come, don’t worry. But this wraps up possibly my favorite season, and I have to say it was a lot of fun.
Episode 39 (Friends or Foes) gets a 5/10
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