Sunday, 2025-02-02, 2:40 AM
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Tropic Thunder Review

 Tropic Thunder Review
Starring: Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr.
Director: Ben Stiller
Year: 2008

Welcome to my first review, post making this website. Since deciding to do these reviews, I've been trying to take movies off the my shelf, watch them again, and then review them while they're still fresh in my mind. I watched Tropic Thunder a couple days ago, and I've been able to reserve what I wanted to say in my review. To start off with, Tropic Thunder has a great cast. Downey, Black, Stiller, and many more faces are in this, and none of them do a shit job. In the end, the movie is really good. It's a simple complex of what a set of actors from widely different movies came together to make a falling through war movie, but find themselves in an actual war like situation. It'll have you laughing, and the characters are pretty great. But there are two problems I really don't like. First, the movie feels to disorganized. At one point to many characters are doing to many different things, and to many are either knowing what's going on, or not going on. You'll probably just forget certain odd moments of this movie, and forget about them when done watching. Second, I don't like most of the things going on outside of the characters in the woods. Sure Tom Cruise's funny ass character was my favorite, but I think the movie would have done better on a whole if spending more time with the characters in the woods, and less on other things. Also, cut the entire scene with Ben Stiller in the woods, that was completely pointless. More times with Jack Black on drugs, or more scenes like the one with guys around the fire, and making you laugh while adding to their characters. I also have small quirks, like Downey's character is obsessed with becoming the role he's portraying, but half the time he's giving acting advice, or doing the opposite of what his role would say. Small quirks, but they matter. Now that I've covered the bad, let's get onto the good! First off, I love Danny Mcbride's character, Tom Cruise's character, and so many more. I wouldn't say the writing in this movie is that great, but the amazingly funny one-liners seem never ending! I also like the chemistry some of guys have. Downey and Brandon T. Jackson (known as Al Pachino in movie) have a great chemistry. The movie goes over the top many times, I don't think it worked every time, but it made the movie so enjoyable. Also, I like how the movie is mocking some points of entertainment. Weather it's mocking rappers, unnecessary movie sequels, actor's drug addictions, and just poking at actors in general. Now I might not put Tropic Thunder in and watch it as much as I might some movies, but when I do I always notice a new joke, or something I hadn't before. It doesn't get better each time I watch it, but it doesn't get worse at all. It had its mistakes, easily fixable mistakes, mistakes stopping it from getting a higher rank but make no mistake it still is a great movie. I was set on a seven for a long time, but after some longer thought I've decided I'll give it an 8. It's usually a simple, oh is this a great product? Well, Tropic Thunder is a great movie, that's all I know.
Tropic Thunder gets a 4/5

Spoilers: Parts I loved in this movie would have to include the kid getting thrown over the bridge, the fire scene in its entirety, the begging, and any scene with that funny ass bald man. I liked also any reference with the booty sweat that Grover (I call Brandon T. Jackson Grover ever since for some reason decided to play a part he shouldn't) made. I love to many one-liners to count. But top three would probably be "I will fuck you up!" to "I'm trying to go tiger-bomb on this jungle's nut sack, and this guy's trying to make a sweater," to "I'm a lead farmer mother fucker!" I also love the random ass bull they put into this movie, the first time I watched it I forgot about it, but after that I thought it was pretty funny. I just want to know what the fuck happened to it though! Parts I didn't like, the unveiling of Four-leaves hands, because that was unnecessary, any scene with Ben Stiller trying to act crazy, and a little to much time with Stiller's agent character.


Tropic Thunder gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

Tropic Thunder gets THE "CREATIVITY" BADGE

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