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Zack and Miri Make a Porno Review

 Zack and Miri Make a Porno Review
Starring: Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Craig Robinson
Director: Kevin Smith
Year: 2008

 Zack and Miri Make a Porno, or just Zack and Miri for some DVD people out there like me. And nothing says friend zone relationship turning into love like a porno, right? So Zack and Miri is basically a Keven Smith movie meets a Judd Apatow movie, even the cats merge together, but unfortunately Jay and Silent Bob aren’t walking around in this one. Instead we have Zack and Miri. And the plot is pretty simple. They’re really good friends, and they’re broke, and decide the best way to make money is to make a porno. So they get a team of weird people, start filming, accidentally start feeling something (didn’t see that one coming) and yeah, not a lot new here. But the little banter between Zack and Miri were good, I felt their dialogue and relationship felt real, even though I thought the movie was rolling more smoothly during the beginning of the movie. In fact a lot of the beginning of the movie I felt was going better than the rest. It felt really good, and that’s not to say the rest is bad, it’s just one of those times where it feels like two different things. Another great thing about the beginning is Justin Long playing a gay porn star… It’s by far the funniest thing in this movie. Literally, twenty more minutes of Justin Long, I could have gone with it. Seriously, he’s just a small side character, but he loves his role, and to me stole the show. Anyway, back to the movie. And yeah, it being a movie about porn, there are a lot of sex jokes. And yeah, some kind of bad sex scenes that are kind of awkward. And it’s not the jokes weren’t funny, I’m not that turned off by gross comedy, but they weren’t hitting like I thought they could have been. It was like a toned down Judd Apatow movie, where the jokes don’t hit as right. And it had the charm drama at first, but I think the weird side characters kind of lost me a little. Just saying, I wouldn’t pull this out if you were trying to have one of those "oh my god, this movie is so funny!” experience. But then again, when movies are disgusting and absurd, I kind of need those super funny jokes. But I liked the characters Zack and Miri, they hold up for the movie. I bought them, they seemed realistic and relatable. The three main actors I liked, Seth Rogen, he was good. Elizabeth Banks, she was good. Craig Robinson… know what that was weird, I think I have to refer to him as that one black guy from all those movies to feel normal. That one black guy from all those movies, he was good too. Other than that, nobody stood out besides Justin Long. And one thing I think I didn’t like about this was usually movies like this cut lines. I feel Superbad cut some kind of line on high school. The 40-Year Old Virgin cut lines on weird people who never got laid. Pineapple Express sort of cut a line on weed, even though it doesn’t really exist. Zack and Miri almost feels like it’s cutting a line on porn, but it’s like that moment when your cutting something with scissors, and it won’t fucking cut for some reason. But it’s not like you’re going to think about that unless you’re some guy trying to think of stuff to write a review, you’re just gonna walkout happy, and that’s good. It’s a feel good movie, just not as much as it could have been. It was funny, don’t get me wrong. It was enjoyable, don’t get me wrong. But the small complaints are worth saying. But it’s really likeable, and the good movie you found on Netflix. The good movie you saw on TV. It’s a solid if not strong three, and I could see myself picking it up every couple of years, if not sooner if somebody else offered to see it. Watch Seth Rogen in his misadventures of making a porno, why not?

Zack and Miri Make a Porno gets a 3/5
Spoilers: Ah, I’m not a fan of making spoilers for comedies. But yeah, the two got together in the end, but I think it would have been better the opposite, although I like the ending with the commercial. There was also on the DVD Justin Long just improving the shit with his character, so I liked that… besides the most weird "WTF is going on in the background!” moments ever. And the end with the switch thing they had going, I believed it for a moment. 


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