Episode three is the introduction to Sakura and Sasuke. It’s all the introduction to the three man squad concept that the ninja have. Each ninja have two partners, and is guided by a high class ninja, and Naruto is paired with Sakura and Sasuke. This episode is even more quirky than the last, which at some points gets annoying for me personally. It introduces key characters, and is enjoyable, but it’s comes across who likes who and although that works for an introduction, making the whole episode about romantic quirky teenage interest doesn’t really make it that entertaining, and definitely not as emotional as the last two episodes. Although episode two was quirky, it ended with a deeper though, while this episode ends with Naruto on the crapper. It’s actually funny at parts, but it doesn’t really work in the best of ways. Also I don’t really like Sakura in some of the earlier episodes. She is very flawed, and kind of boring. I like her, but she has bad sides to her in her early stages, and I know later it fixes itself, but for now I cringe when she gets moments to herself. In the end the episode is above average. It’s pretty good in introducing key things, but I just don’t find it that great, especially after episode one and two being as good as they are. A six out of ten feels right, and it’s not at all a bad thing, just saying the episode is nice means more than it sounds, and is given to episodes that bring more.
Episode 3 (Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes?) gets a 6/10
Naruto Episode 3 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE