Sunday, 2025-02-02, 0:23 AM
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I'm The Best Review

 I'm The Best Review
Album: Pink Friday
Artist: Nicki Minaj
Year: 2010

Sound: 3/5

Lyrics: 1/5

Instrumental: 3/5

Idea: 1/5

Flow/Energy: 3/5

Music Video: (none)

Other: 1/5

I mentioned before in a creative topic that I didn’t like Nicki Minaj alongside some other people. Her songs like "Stupid Hoe,” "Pound the Alarm,” and "Beez in the Trap,” were all almost laughably bad to me. Now that I’ve decided to get more dedicated behind my music reviews, so I’ll be doing a lot more. And a good side of this is that I’m able to actually try and listen to artists I didn’t think were that good, and give them a second chance. I looked what album to review first, and since I don’t feel like reviewing Victoria’s WWE theme song, I thought to just start at the first studio album, Pink Friday. As I started doing research on the album for the reviews, I saw more and more turnoffs. First the album only has thirteen songs, (I feel all albums should have fifteen minimum) she has so many other artists featuring I lost track, so on top with how many people are helping her write the songs alongside featuring on the already short album, she’s only giving a fraction of the lyrics. But I ignored the red flags, and started listening to track one, which is titled "I’m the best,” which is a red flag in itself. First Nicki Minaj starts rapping about how she made poor choices in her career before, but now she’s made it. Not really a good way to start an album or song, saying you made it shouldn’t really be your opener, but it still had potential at that point, and didn’t have a lot wrong. Than the hook/chorus whatever you’d prefer hits, and I hate the hook. It sounds really catchy and good, but I hate the lyrics. It’s just saying I’m the best. That’s it. In a song you’ve started about how you’ve made it, stretching out already that you’re the best is just ignorant. At least wait two minutes into your first studio album before you claim you’re better than everybody else. Ignoring the hook, the song at this point has potential still, it just seems scattered. Then the next verse is actually pretty good. She starts talking about things that are actually noble and have a little bit of a message. It’s about buying her mom a house, her grind, and how her dad was on crack. It doesn’t really fit into a song about being the best, or making it, so it seems random, but I’ll give her a badge of effort… sort of. Then she keeps going and talks about how she’s fighting for the girls, the ones who have tough lives. That’s actually my favorite part in the song. But as soon as she got noble she stops, and she says she has two bones to pick, she’s going to choose one, and possibly address it on her next album. What? A second ago you were talking about fighting for the girls what the hell does that have to do with anything? Is this a I made it song? Is this a egotistical song stating your better than everybody? And why are you advertising your next album already, and saying you're going to diss people, it’s your first song in, and it’s not that great. Than the next part is another weird moment. She says it’s okay, and I’m assuming she’s talking about the girls she’s fighting for, because saying that to the people she plans on dissing would be weird. And then says, it’s okay if as long as you know I’m the mother fucking best! What? What!? That almost completely ruins any noble part before, it’s like you did a one eighty on the whole idea! Than the song ends after an extended hook. I’ll just say it left a big question mark, and it wasn’t a good song. It was scrambled, and messed up. It was like one really good song flushed in with two bad ones. The instrumental and her voice make it sound like she’s going to be speaking so deep, then she just does this. I will say it does sound good, it obviously is not made for me, (it pretty much mentions it in the lyrics) and if the rest of the album was great, that would help raise my thoughts on this, and I’ll update this review if that happens. But yeah, not a good song. The lyrics are way to simple, and not in a good simple way, as in a average rapper could write them. And it sound very bubblegum almost pop like, and that’s not good when your trying to come across with a message. If it’s a shitty gloating song with a bubblegum hook, than at least do that! Anyway, the rest of the album still has hope, it doesn’t ruin it, but I’ll save it from the badge of shit. But we’re one song in, and already on wobbly legs. Nicki states in the lyrics that the album is un-skippable. Ironic she says that in a song that is best left skipped.

I'm the Best gets a 2/5

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