(Series of Unfortunate Events Book 11)
Author: Lemony Snicket
Year: 2004
Somehow book eleven is better than the ten before it. With a series expanding thirteen books, you would think the books around this time would completely suck. But no, this series doesn’t do that. I wouldn’t doubt if Daniel wanted thirteen books from the beginning, and if not, it works and I don’t feel like there are more books for the sake of doing it, or at least the story doesn’t seem that way. And that’s kind of saying something when the book is following the "underwater gimmick.” But somehow it doesn’t feel forced, and I just believe that somehow these characters just happened to go in a submarine underwater. And the Series of Unfortunate Events isn’t really about it’s characters, it’s about it’s style and the moments. It’s like a somewhat depressing adventure, but just has moments and charm that make it great. This one is no exception. The new characters are the two people the orphans meet aboard the submarine. They are a father and daughter named Fiona and Captain Widdershins. Just saying, Captain Widdershins is possibly the most likable guy in the book. The dialogue of the characters until now haven’t exactly been animated, and this book just completely did a one eighty one that idea. Widdershin’s dialogue alone would make up for any slow past dialouge, but now Olaf and some others are even doing it to. Olaf has always been a very evil and heartless character, and now he’s more mischievous and has a hint of comedic value, which I actually like, because with how depressing the main characters usually have to be, why can’t the villains laugh in their face a little bit? Sure they’re being random and crazy, but it’s kind of funny. Anyway as far as the whole underwater thing goes, there’s a new theme with every book, so why not go underwater once? It’s kind of gimmicky, but I still think it’s the best book in the series so far, so I don’t think it holds anything back. Anyway, the story picks up and has a lot of great moments, more than any in the series so far. With the last book being a little stale, I’m glad Snicket came back and improved past what we hadn’t seen since book nine. I’m glad the books are back to getting better and better, and I’m excited for the ending.
The Grim Grotto gets a 4/5
Spoilers: So we’re never going to find out what that damn question mark is? Damn it Lemony Snicket, why must you keep so many secrets! You have thirteen books for story arcs, quit leaving them up in the air! Anyway, bad parts of the book, Carmelita. I hated her as always, but Daniel knows that so he’s just going to keep putting her in there. Luckily she’ll die soon in the next book, or maybe not, that’s up in the air as well. Anyway, I want to see Widdershin’s again, but oh well. And who would have known the dark side was strong with Fiona. That’s how Lemony Snicket works, he makes a romance, only to crush it to help make the book more miserable for our three little orphans. (Save the orphans!)
The Grim Grotto gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
The Grim Grotto gets The "CREATIVITY" BADGE