Episode 16 (Welcome to the Game Over!) Review
Yep, this is one of my favorite episodes easily. So Sato basically is in WAAAAAY over his head with the whole MMO thing. And basically he yells Misaki out of his house. And then we get more adventures of him and his fake girlfriend. But soon he meets this group who helps him slay a dragon, and when they do, we see one of the guys in real life, and we can guess he’s a hikikomori. He mentions to his sister (who leaves his dinner outside his door if that tells you anything) that this guy named Sato is a big idiot. Then she reconizes that name, and then starts looking through the high school yearbooks. Meanwhile Sato is practically in love with his online fox girl. And Misaki had this one weird kind of funny thing where she put on fox ears to try and “bring him to reality.” But like I said earlier, that just makes him yell even more. But as he tells his online girlfriend, she says how she wants to meet, and that she’s right outside. And he practically cries himself in a ball when she opens the door, but it’s actually Yamazaki all along… ah, probably the best thing he’s ever done. He gives a pretty open handed smack on how terrible MMOs can be, and how he should give up, and we even get a vision of what Sato would be like if he continued it, and yeah, it’s really kind of sad and gross. And pathetic. To the point it’s hard to watch. Sato gets mad again, and kicks Yamazaki out. And after that, he gets a call from that old high school girl, and then it cuts to Misaki trying a similar tactic, but Sato is nowhere to be seen. And the episode ends. And yeah, it was definitely one of the best episodes. It had funny, hard to watch emotional stuff, the feels, the social commentary, and of course Sato, and him being him. Wonderful episode, and I am excited for to once again see it blossom into a pyramid… ah I don’t want to give it away. Just read the next episode review.
Welcome to the NHK Episode 16 (Welcome to the Game Over!) gets a 5/5