So the fight between Kiba and the two brothers wraps up. First, the one brother pops out of him, seeing he didn’t want to die. So Kiba runs for it after leaving a smoke bomb. But he left Amidamaru like an asshole, but psych, it was a trap, and got the demon guy stabbed like fifteen times, and made him resort back into his original brother. And so Kiba is laying down, and he gets a big FLASHBACK, this one actually pretty good. It shows how he met Amidamaru, and his mom scolding him for being weak. Ultimately it’s average when comparing it to the other crew members. But he escapes by jumping into a river, referencing he smelled someone strange nearby. Meanwhile, Naruto’s fight is going pretty awful. For Naruto at least. Kimimaro is like taking his bones out, and using them to fight, and ugh, it’s creepy. And meanwhile Shikamaru is trying his best to fight three guys, and one chick at once. And those three guys are GIANTS! Not even normal giants, they’re like the headbangers from Brutal Legend, one’s head is backwards and he looks like he’s in a straight jacket. I mean God, who’d want to fight that thing? But in the end it was another good episode, and a good wrap up for a fight, now for Shikamaru’s!
Naruto Episode 121 (To Each His Own Battle) gets a 7/10
Naruto Episode 121 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE