Sunday, 2025-02-02, 3:07 AM
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How You Like Me Now Review

 How You Like Me Now Review
Album: Raw
Artist: Hopsin ft. SwizZz
Year: 2010

Sound: 3/5

Lyrics: 3/5

Instrumental: 4/5

Idea: 4/5

Flow: 5/5

Music Video: 3/5

Other: 3/5

How You Like Me Now gets a 3/5
When listening to the Raw album when I was first starting to get into music, a couple of songs stuck. One was How You Like Me Now. Unfortunately, as time went on I found myself skipping the song more and more. It kind of died out for me, and that’s a little depressing considering at first it was up there possibly above songs like Sag My Pants and Nocturnal Rainbows. But those songs have longevity, and this doesn’t all that much. It’s basically a song about how Hopsin went from being a loser to a big shot, and is now laughing at those who ever talked shit about him. This is the song where he brags and gets girls in music videos, but it’s under a whole different context. It’s not a song about him being awesome like a lot of rap today is, it’s more about becoming something from nothing, and taking time to laugh at those who said he wouldn’t. As for sound, it’s all right, not saying it’s great though. The hook is kind of boring I’ll admit. But the flow is probably the best part of the song. It is up there for best flow on the album, and moves along about as dope as it can. And of course SwizZz shows up again. And I’ll say again why I like when SwizZz and Hopsin collaborate on his songs. It’s not Hopsin plus SwizZz, it’s Hopsin and SwizZz, or even SwizZz plus Hopsin. SwizZz does just as good as Hopsin, and got the most memorable line with, "I don’t have haters, only fans in denial.” Also I like the part in the music video where SwizZz helps Hopsin before he gets beat up. In a song like I Am Raw, SwizZz doesn’t really work. But in this, he fits in perfectly, and it’s almost his song more than Hopsin’s. Than the music video. The video that can be found on Hopsin’s Youtube page I don’t exactly like all that much. It has a stupid intro, and personally I think we could all do without Hopsin literally rapping in a diaper. (Listen to the song and it makes sense) Besides that it’s just rapping around what looks like a school, and I guess that kind of works, just doesn’t do much. And the guy who keeps getting laid with mouthing the "Wow!” line is always making a stupid ass face. And for the song’s defense, as I went back to review the song, I did get into it again, something I hadn’t done in awhile. So it’s not total lacking in longevity, but not getting the long lasting badge obviously. All in all one of the best songs on the album, just not as good as I remembered.

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