Sunday, 2025-02-02, 7:32 AM
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DragonBall Z Reviews

Before I start giving my opinion of the first episode of DBZ, let me tell you a little about my background with the series, and how these episodes will go. There will be no spoiler section, as with other reviews. Its to hard to tell the story of a single episode without saying what actually happened. These episodes are based off of the orange digitally remastered box sets of DBZ. These sets follow the two-hundred-ninety-one episode format. They will not contain any spoilers of the previous show Dragonball, the future episodes of DBZ, and or Dragonball GT. As far as my background for DBZ, it goes like this. When I was young I started watching my family’s big box of VHS tapes like crazy. This caused me to get into movies and collecting. In those tapes were Dragonball Z tapes. At the time I scoffed at things I liked as a kid, and thought anything rated PG was for kids only. DBZ helped me learn my mistake. I also learned it was a much more bloody and dramatic anime, rather than a highly cute anime for kids, even though it is highly marketed for kids. I actually kind of laughed at how different it was now that I was older. Not many kid shows has five year olds getting their necks snapped, or the character everyone looks up to yell out, "Go to hell!" It was a guilty pleasure in the highest degree for me, and of course in time I became proud to be a fan. Even though it highly affected me when I was young, I wouldn’t call it a "kid show,” as they had to censor it just to market it to kids. While watching these tapes a small spark went off, a spark of wanting each DBZ tape to make the perfect collection. While in Wal-mart one day, I saw an even better alternative. It was the first season of DBZ. I didn’t have any money at the time, but after begging my mom to get I was the happiest kid in the world. As time went on I was on quest to have each season. I worked a lot of craft shows for my mom, and did any work I could to get money to buy more DBZ footage. Soon my season collection was complete, and to this day my DBZ collection is the highlight of my collections. I’m a little more grow up now, and find it somewhat amusing how much I put into this collection, but I do still love the show. So now on a quest to give you guys as much reviews as possible, we will now begin reviewing each episode, and will hopefully do the same for more anime in the future.

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