Sunday, 2025-02-02, 5:15 AM
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Episode 44 Review (The Brood Of Evil)

BOE Episode 43 Review (The Brood Of Evil)

This episode begins with the two fake namekians telling Bulma and the others basically what was going on. (After a long time ago their ship landed on the crappy planet, but in order to kill time in order to fix their ship so they could steal it, they had made that Namek an illusion in order to kill as much time as possible. The new villains make their escape, but turns out even though they’d fixed the ship from the inside, they don’t know how to open the door… okay then. Also Krillin and Gohan do a pretty bad ass combo to get away from the squid creatures. And just as the two bad guys kidnap Bulma and get their evil laugh going, they are stopped in their tracks by Gohan and Krillin. And in the shortest fight in possible DBZ history the two enemies are defeated, and Bulma and the others are racing towards the one opening in the clouds that if they miss they’re stuck for another year. And it’s almost kind of sad with the two aliens being stuck on the crappy planet. I mean Krillin and the others could of just pulled them on and dropped them off anywhere else, right? Oh well, just would have been cool to know what happened to them. So the race for Planet Namek is on! Vegeta and team Earth are both going as fast as they can, and meanwhile Goku can’t even sneak out of hospital. But then there’s hope! Bulma and the others finally find Planet Namek! And they even land without pain, and even though they might suffocate walk out without suits. Ah, genius. Almost as genius as Krillin’s misspelled hat. Luckily they can breath, and we even get our first small glimpse of Namek. The guys sense some strong power levels, but play them off. But they don’t play off the Saiyan spaceship that they see hurdling down to Planet Namek. Yep, Vegeta came seconds after them. Genius, and lucky. Bulma is using a space phone to call Earth and give Master Roshi the details, and agrees to go back to Earth. But just to the guys’ luck a second Saiyan ship lands on Namek. (Cui) They’re just having the luckiest of days aren’t they? And then we see for the first time Frieza, and he’s with some of his henchmen. And he already has four Dragonballs. In the end this episode was very important for story, and ended that bid about fake Namek before it. It’s a low eight for me, but definitely a great episode. This is the beginning of a truly awesome saga, and one of the more rewatchable ones at that. Things are getting epic, and the race is on for the Dragonballs!
Episode 44 (The Brood Of Evil) gets a 4/5


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