I Can't Decide Review
Album: Raw
Artist: Hopsin
Year: 2010
Sound: 3/5
Lyrics: 4/5
Instrumental: 3/5
Idea: 4/5
Flow/Energy: 3/5
Music Video: (none)
Other: 4/5
I Can't Decide gets a 3/5
I can’t decide is another diverse song on the Raw album that is unique. On his other album with Ruthless Records Hopsin made a song called Sexy Cyper, it was similar to this one by telling a story through the rap. I wished it would have had a music video, because I can’t decide really would have benefited from one. It follows a guy named Tyrone, and how he’s in gang wars. He quickly dies, and it moves to his gang, who after an argument also die. If it wasn’t for the upbeat techno tone it would actually be pretty god damn depressing. But the message is pretty clear, and a good one at that. It kind of just shows you how pointless gang wars can be. I remember something a teacher told me about gang wars: just a bunch of guys killing each other for the worst real estate there is. I don’t want to ever undermine what people go through with gang wars, but it doesn’t change the fact that so many people die for no reason, but nobody can really do anything about it. Hopsin’s I can’t decide is about this, and I really feel like deserves a music video. Hopsin’s songs like Nocturnal Rainbows where I paint my own picture I don’t really care, but I can’t decide paints it’s own picture, and could really use a music video. Anyway I really think this song is put together really nicely with it’s lyrics and pace of how the story of the song goes. The lyrics are actually clever, and it actually flicks at a lot of your emotions. From sadness, to humor, to a couple others. Why humor? Because I laugh whenever I hear the line, "STAY ALIVE YOUNG SON!” Also if you listen to it without the words you can really hear all the different types of emotions it brings. The song sounds a little techno like, which usually annoys me in rap songs, but I still like it, and it sounds nice too for the most part. The song I don’t like as much as Nocturnal Rainbows or some others, but it’s still a good song, and helps make Raw an excellent album. It’s not a song I feel I can listen to again and again, but whenever I do turn it on I feel more involved in the song than anything else. And although it doesn’t have a music video, I still play with it in my head thinking of my own music video a lot, sometimes there is a benefit of not having a music video. This song I feel is a high seven, while Nocturnal Rainbows is a high eight, but that still doesn’t mean that both aren’t still great. Lastly, I want to say the song is probably on the better half of the album and Hopsin’s songs, and might make my top ten. I’ll make a top ten songs from Raw album one day, and I’m betting I can’t decide will be up there.