Sunday, 2025-02-02, 1:37 AM
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Episode 13 Review (The Blue Spirit)

Blue Spirit Episode 13 Review (The Blue Spirit)

God, this a great episode. Anyway, I remember watching an episode of Avatar when I was a little older, and that was a little more clear than before, and it was this episode. First, Katara and Sokka get sick. And so he goes to this old lady that is a little crazy, and she knows of these frogs you can suck on to get cured. So while looking for these frogs he gets attacked. But before Zhao had probably his best moment in the series, and it introduced these archers, and they’re basically the most precise archers in the world. And yeah, they straight capture Aang. Even using waterbending he still gets straight captured. And Zhao has him, but soon he gets broken out by this guy with a mask. And this guy is really agile, he’s a beast with a sword, and he is really bad ass, just saying. And together they have this really long escape scene. And they go through a lot to escape. It’s a big fun dumb action scene, I’ve said this enough in the reviews. But then they get cornered, and Zhao is like, "We need him alive!” So Blue Spirit is buts his swords to his neck. And you could tell Aang is like "oh, shit…” So on their way out, the archers hit Zuko with an arrow, but his mask protects him enough where he is knocked out. (That was also the order Zhao gave, so maybe that was the plan all along) And Aang sees it’s Zuko. So he ditches, pauses, and goes back for Zuko. He escapes, and it’s really cool. They’re seen in the forest, and he Aang tells Zuko how he once had a friend who was a firebender, and they were friends, and wonders if they could have been friends under different circumstances. A little bit cheesy, but after the last episode, it’s a good follow up. And Zuko actually gives this kind of reaction that is heart warming. And Aang comes back, and gives his friends their cure. And Sokka who is tripping out asks if he made any friends, and he’s like no. And they can’t be friends, for now it’s saying they’re two worlds apart. And Zuko is sleeping in his bed under the giant fire nation flag, and he turns like, "I’m fucking done, just not today.” And it’s a nice end, and ultimately I really love this episode. For what it needed to do, it was really good. And it helped the bad guys a lot, and the Aang and Zuko relationship was explored, and although put on hold at the same time. Episodes like the Great Divide, those felt like, "Why are we doing this, are we really fucking short on time?” But with this I feel this had to had happen, they’re sick, Zuko needs to shine, and it just worked for a really great episode.

Blue Spirit threatens Aang
Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 13 (The Blue Spirit) gets a 4/5

Yuyan Archer


Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 13 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

Avatar: The Last Airbender Episode 13 gets the "The Creativity badge"

Aang imprisoned
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