"Creative Topic" #7: AMV Videos
Before I begin I would like to say just what an AMV is. It stands for anime music video. People basically on Youtube or I guess anyplace that places videos on the net, make fan made videos. They play a song while a animation from an anime, groups of anime, or maybe even something more, and the song and what’s going on screen match up. This could be featuring the best of an entire anime, an arc, a character, or anything else. The characters could be trying to lip sing, (I prefer when they don’t do that) they could try making the beat move along with the motions, or best yet, they try and fit a theme or idea in the AMV. Like a savage character would be paired with a savage song, and a noble character would be paired with a noble song. Or maybe the song would look on the dark side of a character, showing off just that one side. The possibilities are endless! I’ve really seen the songs range from just about anything from rock bands like Skillet and Three Days Grace, to Bon Jovi, to Eminem, and even Britney Spears. Yes, these things can be very different. Also these songs being introduced in the AMVs allow us to be introduced to new music, and I actually like many more songs because of these videos. That Bon Jovi song, yeah it’s on my ipod. That fucking Britney Spears song, yeah it’s on my ipod… I’m not proud that I like that song. And I almost feel like doing song reviews for these bands, or for fucking Britney Spears who I assumed was terrible. And maybe she is, but it’s intriguing! And so I just felt like talking about a type of video I occasionally go around surfing Youtube for. And AMVs actually get a really good amount of views, some hit millions. I’ve seen some get more views than the actual artist who made the song. And a lot of people put in a lot of hard work for these AMVs, and the result can be goosebump raising. So they introduce me to new music, help the character or show or whatever, and can be downright entertaining. And some just hit a certain theme, or the song is made for the moments we see on screen, and it really is entertaining. This is the spot on my site where I talk about pretty much anything, and sometimes just want to spread awareness. (Cause as you must know my site is currently just thriving with people! I think you could count the number of people who’ve been on it on three hands now!) But even so, why not? That stupid Britney Spears song I actually do think is good, (still hesitant on looking in further to other music, but I try to stay open minded… even if I really don’t want to some times) And for those wondering it was called Circus, and the AMV was on Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender. And Ty Lee probably would make my top ten characters now from that show. But that just shows you how cool these little videos can be, and that they really can open one’s mind. (Even when one’s mind is really hesitant to listen to fucking Britney Spears)