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Last House On The Left Review

 Last House On The Left Review
Starring: Tony Goldwyn, Sara Paxton, Paul Aaron
Director: Dennis Lliadis
Year: 2009

I have not seen the original Last Half On the Left, I’d like to say that first. But this movie is disturbingly intense and suspenseful. It follows a girl and her friend, she gets nearly killed and sexually molested, and when she escapes and gets home her parents go on the hunt for revenge! Plus the murderers are right next door and could walk over and kill them at any moment. First I’ll just start with the movie as a whole. Yeah, it’s really intense, and bloody, and everything it tries to be. And when I say intense, that’s the biggest word I would use to describe this movie. You are on your seat the whole movie, and I mean it, I think I might have been more on my seat in the first third actually. Part one is with the two kids and the bad guys. Part two is when she comes home, and it sets up what’s coming next. The last part is a fight to the death, and pretty much anyone could die at any moment. Aside from that the movie as a whole I feel is good, but not amazing by any stretch. My biggest complaint was some things could have been handled better. Like they reference that the family had a son, but he died recently. Yeah, that was referenced twice, one was just a picture of him. Yeah, what was the point of having that? That could have been an entire undertone or story arc, but it was just there. Another thing, shaky cam, it happens to much. Some parts it worked, others it didn’t. But one moment the dad is trying to run to the boat they are trying to escape on, and he saw it didn’t have the keys. But the cam was just all over the place, it was unnecessary. But it’s still a good movie. First off you oddly care, and you don’t know why. I ask why I do, and I just do. The characters are just  getting their ass kicked, and your rooting for the good guys but then they get the bad guy, then you feel sad for them, because although they’re terrible people, you still want to know a little more about them, like how did they become these horrible people? But still each character could have been dived into a little more, and although not bad, it could have been better. But you do care, so maybe that’s even more important. And I think one of main reason you care is the acting. It’s very well done, especially since the script isn’t amazing. Plus Becca from Superbad and Jesse from Breaking Bad are in this, and I loved that for some reason. The first time I saw the movie I hadn’t seen Breaking Bad so when I saw it again I was just rooting for Paul Aaron. Then he got his nose fucked up and I won’t ruin in, but not likely to win when he isn’t even the main villain. Anyway, the little struggles in this movie you are just glued in. Whether it was the girls trying to escape, or the mom and dad taking on the odds, it was really intense. Yes, I said intense again, but it’s what the movie is. Another thing people might not love is the little story arcs. One is the father son relationship, but their enemies. The son might be a good guy, and it may come across really forced and the kid might be stupid and annoying. I didn’t have a problem with him, just saying. Also there was this little sexual tension with the mom and Paul Aaron’s character, but the mom obvious doesn’t want to have sex with him, she wants to not die. It’s just that that one arc is way bigger than the arc with the dead son. Also, one character dies, than it doesn’t seem to reflect that person’s death the whole rest of the movie, and I don’t know why. When a character dies in this, they’re dead, never to be mentioned again. But I’m over thinking it for the sake of the review, while your watching it first time you won’t think of half this shit. I will say the mother and father felt a little forced, they could have been better, but you still surprisingly care. It could have sucked, but it didn’t. That’s because of actual acting, intriguing characters, and just no major flaws. Not to mention the intense (yes, I said it again) scenes, that stick in your head. The end I feel is good and bad. It kind of just ends, and I’m wondering what happened to some characters. However, it also has the twist where it’s just turned into revenge fantasy. In the end the movie is good, but nothing to really love to death. It’s just a maybe watch once, move on intense movie. (Yep, said it again)

Last House On The Left gets a 3/5
Spoilers: Yes, Jesse got his nose destroyed, a wine bottle smashed over his head, nearly drowned, had his hand destroyed and he finally died. How was he going that long? The other guy just broke threw a window and had his head hit with a fire extinguisher. Well then he had his head exploded in a microwave, but that’s beside the point. Also, why did Becca from Superbad never get mentioned in the rest of the movie? It was like Oh, she died, carrying on. Whenever that happens it just feels like "oh, they’re character is irrelevant in the end, so oh well.” At least the villains had they’re bodies shown while some sad music plays. They actually at least mentioned Jesse in probably the most funny line in the movie. Anyway, still a good movie, definitely worth one watch.

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