Nothing like a vampire themed episode, right? Yeah, apparently vampires exist in this world too. And they apparently just so happen to work for Zeke, so our heroes are pretty screwed. In some strange random dark village, Rio watches a movie with his spirit, and he gets bitten by Dracula… yeah. And the X Laws show up, and there is this other weird guy, and a lot actually happens. Is it still strange to have a random vampire being added to the lore? Yes, but I’m still not sure about some things. Anyway, Rio bites Trey, and comes to his senses, but Trey’s now a vampire. And Lyserg, being the dickish dick he is, tried to kill Trey in order to get the job done. Luckily, Yoh stops him, but soon the vampire guy shows up, and after that the episode ends. All in all, I thought it was really good, although a bit weird. I’ll probably remember these two episodes as those two weird Vampire episodes, but who knows, it worked so far.
Shaman King Episode 35 (Vampire Ambush) gets a 4/5
Shaman King Episode 35 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE
Shaman King Episode 35 gets the "The Creativity badge"