Sunday, 2025-02-02, 2:09 AM
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Brand Loyalty: "Creative Topic" #10

"Creative Topic" #10: Brand Loyalty

With the new Xbox One having a shitty unveil, and a terrible reception coming from the feedback, I thought that would be an interesting Creative Topic. But since E3 is still around the corner, and I feel these are one of those arguments that have a lot of takes I’d rather just wait for awhile. Instead I thought I’d make a topic that has a little more longevity. The spurring talk of new consoles also brought out the discussion of the console war, which is ironic since they’re not even out yet. Anyway, I have no problem with people who have product loyalty. If you love a certain thing, that’s fine. If you love a series of movies or books or something, and will buy the next one regardless, that’s understandable. And when people argue over these things on which is better or their favorite (and not a childish argument, more like a discussion. I’m not talking about internet wars that say "OMG no that (insert thing) sucked only faggs like that your a fag a queer) And before you grammatical errors, know that was the point) Just normal discussions/arguments are fine. And then people take a step above that, and make loyalty to things like apple and products they make. They make loyalty to console or a type of phone. That’s very mind boggling to me. With products, it kind of makes sense. When I write a book I’m not necessarily making it to just make money, and that usually follows for a lot of entertaining. (not all) But those people pumping out phones and Sony and Microsoft, they don’t give a fuck about that. You’re a dollar sign, and nothing more. They statistically analyze how you’ll buy their things, and you shouldn’t let them. You should buy whatever best fits what you want or need, and after that translation is done. But until the day Bill Gates comes to my house and tosses me a bag of money, I don’t owe him shit. And he doesn’t owe me anything either. I have my Xbox from Microsoft, it does want I want even though it breaks constantly (thanks by the way) it does what I want. Will I buy an Xbox One (which is a fucking terrible title by the way) because I’m a Microsoft fan boy? No, because I don’t like Microsoft, nor do I dislike them. The only thing I hate is the idea of a fan boy for people who want nothing more than their money. It’s similar when people have brand loyalty for clothes. We’re consumers, and so buy products, and feel free to tell how you liked or disliked them. As for the tech needed to use those products, who gives a shit. It’s like arguing over who has a better microwave. Sure one could be better, and maybe you could regret getting one over a nicer one, but seriously, it’s a microwave.

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