Sunday, 2025-02-02, 6:45 AM
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Episode 30 Review (Oracle Bell Down)

 Episode 30 Review (Oracle Bell Down)

"I spy something annoying, care to guess what it is?” Len, you sire are one of the best smart asses ever. Anyway, the girls from the last couple of episodes come back again, and this time they are playing the damsel in distress role, but the youngest one (or smallest, I’m not really sure how old she actually is) after getting into an argument runs away like angry little girl. Then a Shaman from who lost in the preliminary rounds takes her oracle bell, which I guess he can do. So our team finds Millie and say tough luck kid. But they were in fact trolling her, and say they were joking and end up helping her anyway. (Except Lyserg who thought they shouldn’t because they didn’t have time. What a nice guy!) And they find the guy who took it, and he takes a bus off a cliff, but saves himself. And our heroes do the same thing. But then Millie accidentally destroys the Oracle Bell. Then Silva comes in and says nothing mattered, because in the end all Oracle Bells are replicable. Yep, that’s it. The team even mentions about this detour, and even say, "That wasn’t so bad was it?” I didn’t read the manga, so I’m not sure which parts are filler, but if this episode was then that’s kind of cool they referenced it. But our episode doesn’t end there. In the last episode, Morty and Anna got a call that said something kind of big was happening. Now he and her are in some kind of weird temple, and people are literally bowing down before Anna, apparently because she’s like royalty in her family of spirit mediums. She says something big will happen, bigger than any Shaman Tournament, this will be war. Okay… things look like they’re heating up, and it’ll be awesome!

Shaman King Episode 30 (Oracle Bell Down) gets a 4/5

Shaman King Episode 30 gets THE CHARACTER BADGE

Shaman King Episode 30 gets the "The Creativity badge"

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