Sunday, 2025-02-02, 1:36 AM
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Peeples Review

 Peeples Review
Starring: Craig Robinson, Kerry Washington, David Alan Grier
Director: Tina Gordon Chism
Year: 2013


For the record I’ve only seen this movie once, just now in fact. I normally don’t do that for my movie reviews. Except maybe Lady in the Water, I don’t think I’ve ever done it. But when I can gather how I feel the first time, it’s pretty simple. For instance, Lady in the Water was an awful movie that I personally hated. As for this movie, the word I would use was generic. But I’m not going to bully this movie, enough people have. Especially when I think it’s pretty good. In that generic sort of way. You’ve seen it before. Even if you haven’t seen Meet the Parents, you’ve probably seen bits like it in many other things. As for stealing the Meet the Parents idea, I’ll break it down. A, not everybody has seen every movie. And you won’t watch movies in order. Some people get a trend going, and they do it about as good as the original. It can’t be helped you like it, and didn’t get that with the original. There’s always another sucker. B, originality is almost unreal. So maybe good things, including classic things are somewhere else. We are a society of monkey see and monkey do. As long as you still bring some uniqueness, and it isn’t too obvious, than I don’t care. This however, didn’t bring uniqueness, and was a little too obviously Meet the Parents. That being said, it was comfortable being that. It didn’t make a reference or anything cool like that, but nobody seemed to hold back. And there were things I like. The family isn’t just Robert De Niro, there’s a family. There’s a swaggy yet genius teenager kid who for some reason I loved. There’s hot lesbian chick, a weird quirky mom that was once a famous singer, they raised the bar a little. And I’ll be honest, the first ten minutes of this thing I hated. I didn’t even see a movie, I saw Craig Robinson pretending to be in a Ben Stiller movie. Speaking of which, the actors are good. Craig Robinson pulled this movie, and it would probably be god awful if they didn’t get him. He certainly wasn’t a big name guy filling seats (clearly with how it sold) but he did his best dammit. Everyone else did good too. But this is a comedy, and I think one of the biggest questions going into a comedy is did it make you laugh. And no, it did not. Maybe if I was with somebody, but this was a rental that I had to watch before returning tomorrow, next to two other movies… a movie that lost a lot of money, was a forced watch rental, and a rip off of Meet the Parents… I don’t know how I didn’t hate this movie. But this movie is as good as it is bad. It’s worth seeing, and it’s a short little finish. It’s a simple movie, you’ve seen it before, but it doesn’t hold it back too much. And it’s also cute. In a weird way, you know? That sense of family, and coming together. That is a hard thing to mess up. It’s something literally everyone can relate too, because everyone has a family. And it has some bleak little messages about maybe rich families, or whatever. (sort of) And it’s enjoyable. You’ll probably be like me, and deciding whether it’s ever worth watching. But just put it in, but don’t expect much. It’s a nice simple movie, and that’s the best I can give it. Is it good… sort of? If I still gave out of ten reviews, it’s be a solid six. A nice sort of good above average movie.

Peeples gets a 3/5


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